
February 17, 2017

Attack Squirrel Attacks

A burglar is driven away by a man's pet squirrel.

Adam Pearl returned home to find that someone had broken into his home and tried to jimmy open his gun safe.

But the would be burglar had no idea he would be messing with ... PFC Joey.
Pearl called Meridian Police and when officer Ashley Turner came out to take a look, Joey just had to say hello.

"During her investigations Joey had run in the bedroom just screwing around like he always does between her legs and kind of startled her," explained Pearl. She says whoa, what was that, and I said "ahhh don't worry about that, that's just Joey, my pet squirrel ya know."

[...]Officer Turner went on her way, only to return a few hours later with some of his stolen belongings and some unbelievable news. 

"She said while she was questioning the individual he had scratches on his hands so she asked him 'did you get that from the squirrel' and he says yeah, damn thing kept attacking me and wouldn't stop until I left," said Pearl.
Story here.

1 comment:

Kid said...

I recommend a promotion from PFC to Corporal/Specialist