
October 31, 2009

The Hexagon of Progress

Andrew Marcus at Big Government maps out what's going on in Obama Nation. Please go the the link at the bottom to read the whole article. It explains a lot. Please make sure that this gets to others because it is the Democrat Party's plan for the future.

When a candidate of the Democratic or Republican parties is successfully elected President of the United States, it is widely accepted that by virtue of being the highest elected office holder in the party, they are the “leader” of their respective party.

Why would it be any different when it comes to President Obama’s leadership role in his other political party, the Working Families Party?

If the President and his other party are to be held to the same standard as the Republicans, Greens, and Democrats, etc.. then by all rights he should be considered the leading force or figure within the Working Families Party.

In reality, no matter how one chooses to define the President’s relationship to his other party, the relationship itself demands a close examination of its platform, background, and history, all of which the President would appear to have endorsed by accepting their nomination.

As to their platform, that topic will be covered in greater detail in future posts. This entry is going to focus on the historical roots and background of the Working Families Party.

Very briefly, though, on the platform – you can read it here.

One pervasive theme is an attitude of class warfare. For a specific example, see (1:20) in this video produced by the Working Families Party, where the woman on camera exclaims “Tax The Rich And Give It Back To The Poor”.

Another example can be found here [emphasis in original]:
Over the last 25 years, the wealthiest 1% of New Yorkers have seen their taxes cut in half. When the rich don’t pay their fair share, everyone else has to pick up the tab – often in the form of higher property taxes.
(More important stuff...)


Kid said...

One thing you can be sure of, these people aren't playing around.

PS - Anyone know any good organ players ?

Anonymous said...

Kid, you've gotta start dating again. And, yes, they've had this all mapped out for a long time. They're like a disease waiting for a weakened host.

Chris W said...

Scary stuff thanks for posting it.

We all must remain eternally vigilant because our freedom is at stake.

Opus #6 said...

Don't forget the Apollo Alliance. They are prominent in all of this, as are many Soros-backed organizations.

LL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kid said...

"They're like a disease waiting for a weakened host.

Geezix Nickie. I was turning in my driveway and viewing them as parasites, reflecting on the idea that these kinds of parasites always kill the host, signing their own demise.

And they are. They are as much Communist as Russia ever was.

Communism spreads around the world like a parasite killing its host then looking for new ones.

Capitalism/Democracy spreads around the world creating new hosts.

Kid said...

PS - I'll have to check with my wife on the dating.

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

It's All Hallows Eve. Wake Up America, the nightmare is real!!!

Anonymous said...

Kid, get a signed note first.

Anonymous said...

HBWS, you mean I just can't hope and it will change?

Chris W said...

It looks like WFP has some 'splaining to do.