
October 31, 2009

Socialism - More than Meets the Eye

click the image for a better view


Opus #6 said...

Ha! LOANS! Yep, they will bend Americans over, all right. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely perfect. President Hussein may well be the first guy to go from kiting checks to kiting countries.

banned said...

Funny pic Nickie; I first understood Socialism when my mates' older brother declared to him " What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine as well ".

Anonymous said...

Banned, LL gets all the credit.

Socialism is the politics of envy and resentment. Socialists are more than happy to kill the horse even while they're riding on it.

McGonagall said...

American style capitalism - don't ya just love it?

Anonymous said...

Not Capitalisn, Scunny. More like Milton Keynes-style socialism.

Kid said...

We're skipping socialism and going straight to communism.

We went out to dinner last night with our socialist friends. I discovered he at least, is actually a communist.

He believes all the demonization of private industry by the Dems. He's more worried about a CEO at a health insurance company making 12.5 mln a year than he is with anything government is up to.

To make this short, he thinks government can manage and provide better than private industry. That's about the definition of a communist. He ain't the only one.

LL said...

When you look at how the US Government snatches tax dollars more or less involuntarily from one group and then doles it back to others in the form of "free loans" for housing or for the sake of social leveling - it's clearly NOT capitalism.

The little graphic might not express that as clearly as I would have liked, but that's the message.

Rhod said...

Capitalism? Doctrinaire socialists have a secret language. Up is down.

Socialism that isn't working as it's intended, and therefore disproves the model, isn't socialism, it's capitalism.

Janie Lynn said...

Oh that's funny. Funny and scary all at the same time.