Dear Nickie & Rhod:
Night life in offshore casino is RAD! The Missus stayed in her cabin - Lopez shot this one of me with Bambi, Sinead and Kitten on the MoJo Deck and turned it into an instant post card! Amazing! Still fit into my Busboy Kollege uniform. Ha Ha!
Yours, Mine and Everybody's,
(Okay, I lied about this. But just as bad, the island formerly known as the United Kingdom has rejected a Benny Hill Stamp!)
Looks like one hell of a time.
How could anybody reject a Benny Hill stamp?
I'm honored that you would have folks mistake me for that good-lookin' gent ... That's pretty much what it's like when I hit the streets in the Pacer with the "horny toad" stickshift, or whatever Goomba called it.
Good grief. Where is the editor of this here blog?
I don't know, Admiral. The PC crowd is in charge. Never have so few screwed so many over so little.
"Never have so few screwed so many over so little." I think Obama had that put on the bust of Churchill that he returned to the Brits in Feb.
Looks like you had a great time!!
The screwballs know screwing us best.
DC, the Grecian Formula came with specific instructions. It's meant to "touch up" a bit of the grey. Have you been bathing in it?
No Benny Hill stamp? I hate New Labour.
You are one to talk, Nick. I remember when you lathered up in G-Form but only hit half of you unibrow.
I'm with you, Nickie, what a bunch of pc arseholes - Benny Hill is a national institution in Britain and I know he used to be on TV every night in America! No stamp? I hate New Labour too!
Glad to see you men having fun. :-)
Goomba, DC's days as a cosmetologist (after his busboy period) taught him the fine art of judicious alteration. I think he looks good.
(I know you remember Kitten. She's the one who took the pristin Austin-Healy 3000 from you.)
On advice of counsel ... don't have time to hit the google, thesarus, dictionary, etc., and respond.
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