Union Bullies Boy Scout for Dastardly Deed

Kevin Anderson, a junior at Southern Lehigh High School, a varsity soccer player and a Boy Scout hoping to get his Eagle Scout badge, spent 250 hours over several weeks creating a path on the partially complete 165-mile Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor that runs through Kimmets Lock Park in Allentown, reports The Morning Call.

But once the city’s municipal union caught wind of this do-gooder breath of fresh air, it put up a stink at Tuesday’s city council meeting. Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Unions said its considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing such good, free-of-charge, work to happen.
"We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails," Balzano told the council, reports The Morning Call.

"We would hope that the well-intentioned efforts of an Eagle Scout candidate would not be challenged by the union," said Mayor Ed Pawlowski in an e-mail Friday. "This young man is performing a great service to the community. His efforts should be recognized as such."
Hat tip to NBC Philadelphia
Purple is the NEW BROWN!
Ralphie, that's great. I hope folks will stop over and steal the idea. Good work!
These SEIU people are THAT out of touch. They want to ATTACK an EAGLE SCOUT?
Next they will go after mom and apple pie.
No, Opus, apparently they'll just go after the apple pie--a la mode, with a huge pile of whipped creme on the top.
Oh for God's sake! You can't even do a good deed any more without someone getting pissy.
We're crazy
This young man demonstrated that this town doesn't need the union workers. LAY THEM ALL OFF !!!!
They won’t go after all apple pie, ala mode or not, just non-union made apple pie and non-union made ala mode. There’d better be union cows producing union milk for that ice cream you’re putting on that slice of pie at your fund-raiser, little Susie. Those better be union made and approved pies, or the SEIU will shut down your efforts to go to band camp.
Opie, if it served their purposes they'd attack actual eagles.
RP, you make a hefty point there.
It would be MY pleasure.
Joanie, last week I tried to pluck my unibrow and eight rain forest protesters appeared at my back door.
Chup... WE? You got a mouse in your pocket?
Woody, go sell your evil snake oil in Detroit.
Arby... I visited the Bedlam Blog and I couldn't help but notice that you're running a non-union blog.
Malcontent, you're first in line.
BTW, I enjoy your blog.
Looks like fat AND purple is the new 'brown'.
Red... Bang-bang. Back-to-back homers.
Terri, the kid undermines their argument that the world will fall apart without their well-paid labor.
Two of mine made Eagle, and the SEIU has nothing on the Connecticut River town toffs who thought of them as chimps. I was too polite to compare their losers kids to mine.
The SEIU is Obama's praetorian guard. Organized punkery.
I loved my time in the Scouts. Life scout, 19 badges if I remember. Tons of fun and definitely building blocks of who I am.
Anyway, this is what you get with socialism. Failure is rewarded, therefore failures are dependent. Terminally dependent. Like most union people.
Go absolutely ape if you even suggest there is another way to go through life.
No doubt they view this scout as enemy # 1 just as the Vampire party view Palin as enemy # 1
while they get pissed about the boy scout doing what THEY can't, these same union pukes would likely try to unionize the NAMBLA group...
all in good American faith of course...free speech an all....
SOMEBODY please wake me from the nightmare! It is scrambling my brain
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