
May 21, 2011

It's Called Karma, Stupid

Between 2003 and 2005 the Democrats filibustered all ten of President Bush's nominees for the federal appeals court. Yesterday, the Republicans returned the favor:

If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate. Goodwin Liu, the Berkeley law professor nominated by President Obama to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, is the latest to learn that lesson.

Liu's nomination was blocked by a Republican filibuster Thursday -- the first successful filibuster against a judicial nominee since Democrats stopped all 10 of George W. Bush's appeals court nominees from 2003 to 2005. Although no one back then could have predicted that today's fight would be about Liu, everyone knew it was going to happen sometime. Once Democrats crossed the line to filibuster those Bush nominees, you could bet Republicans would strike back. And now they have.


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

It's about damn time!

LoneIslander said...

What goes around comes around I guess.

sig94 said...

Odie - Yuppers. The Repubs should have shown some "wood" a long time before now.

sig94 said...

Lone - and I hope it sticks around for a long time.

Kid said...

Too late, we've already got those two incompetent lesbians on the SC.
May even end up with 3 before this nightmare is over.

christian soldier said...

I was going to write-
I was concerned that the Rs would not have the _______ to stand up -then I read Odie's-he states it more succinctly!
"It's about damn time!"


sig94 said...

Carol - I hope the bipartisan BS is finally coming to an end. The Dems want to destroy this country. There can be no compromise with that. Throw in right back in their stinking, traitorous faces.

Teresa said...

Go GOP! Have they finally gained a pair?