
May 12, 2015

25 Or 6 To 4

"Speculation that the song's lyrics are drug related has been largely dismissed. Lamm himself says that the title is "just a reference to the time of day" and that "the song is about writing a song. It's not mystical." The time of day in reference is 3:35 AM (or 3:34 AM), which would then be 25 (or 26) minutes to 4 AM."


Fredd said...

As Mark Knopfler, one of the wisest men in rock and roll, once quipped: 'They don't give a damn about any trumpet playin' band, it ain't what they call rock and roll.'

Me neither. Just give me my money for nothin' and your chicks for free.

Sarthurk said...

25 or 624 were types of LSD. I didn't know this for years. Then it suddenly made sense.

sig94 said...

But then again... Wikipedia

"Speculation that the song's lyrics are drug related has been largely dismissed. Lamm himself says that the title is "just a reference to the time of day" and that "the song is about writing a song. It's not mystical." The time of day in reference is 3:35 AM (or 3:34 AM), which would then be 25 (or 26) minutes to 4 AM."

Irish said...

Another great song!

More info about the title here:

sig94 said...

Irish - thanks! That makes the most sense and is a great story about the ways songs are written.