
May 11, 2015

Liberals Ruined The Sauce

The Mayor of NYC is Italian; he should know better than this.

When the spaghetti sauce is good, don't mess with the recipe.

Leave. It. Alone.

NYC had a good thing going with its anti-crime sauce that another Italian Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, whipped up in the NYPD kitchen. The gangbangers and violent criminals didn't like it but the good citizens of the Big Apple enjoyed it's savory flavor for several decades.

Mayor de Blasio and his merry band of insane liberals had to go and screw it up. That's what happens when amateurs get in the kitchen.

Nice going idiots, you ruined it up for everyone. You're bound and determined to turn every American city into Detroit.

In just the past week, shootings increased 66 percent, with 40 occurring between last Monday and this past Sunday, the sources said. By comparison, there were 24 shootings during the same week in 2014.

The number of shooting victims also rose 76 percent during that time period, with 44 people injured by gunfire compared to 25 for the same period last year.

Shootings are up for the month as well, jumping 33 percent, to 128 incidents, in the past 28 days, sources said. Last year, there were 96 shootings for the same period.

More victims took bullets, too. In the past 28 days, there were 106 shooting victims compared to the 85 at this time last year — a jump of 25 percent.

Story's here in the NY Post.


Doom said...

At this time, that is a good thing. It will be one more reason to leave NYC, if there aren't many already. Let it rot, or be destroyed by terrorism because of the laxity of security through corruption. All good.

UIFPW08 said...

I'm like spaghetti...