
September 21, 2009

Why Blogs Matter

"History is the propaganda of the victors" - Ernst Toller (1893-1939)

Hardly anyone knows who Ernst Toller was. He was a German playwright, born into that catastrophic European epoch that stretched from the end of the 19th-century until the beginning of the Second European War. He was at Verdun; then later ran afoul of the Nazis, was exiled from Germany and exhausted himself in depression and radical politics. He ended in suicide by hanging himself in an American hotel room.

Toller's aphorism about history is his monument, but it's not a statement of fact anymore, especially in the digital age. Toller had "official" history in mind, the narrative shaped and delivered by the dominant political and social classes. Their record is a tale, a story designed to manipulate the facts of the present for some goal in the future (like what NBC and the New York Times still do in order to advance leftism). In Toller's Europe, this was broadly true, and it was true across the globe until about ten years ago. It isn't anymore.

Today, servile media hacks like David Gregory, Tom Brokaw, Tom Friedman; Bill Moyers and others still think they're living in Toller's world. Sniffing around the "facts" for the causes and effects that support their preconceptions, in their Olympian vanity they demand the first and last word. (A simpleton like Chris Matthews can even compare himself to Thomas Paine without real doubt about his sanity.)

This line of inquiry states that the final facts are discernible in an age of organized lying, that the truth specialist will discover them and let you know what matters to you. It's a rancid version of rationalism - the conceit that information must be milled by the intellecual so the raw ingredients are digestible to the rabble. That's why they hate the bloggers. We don't need them to cook up a conclusion.

Their confusion and fear is what you'd see if a guild of scribes was shown a printing press and the codex format for bound books. The same maw of obsolescence is yawning wide and hungry for the established print media. For that reason alone blogs matter - to launch the future and break the grip of the reactionary media zombies on the facts and events that matter to us rather than them. Their day is over.

Blogging is a brawl, cultural populism at its most exciting. You punch to exhaustion and some kind of validity emerges when it's over; even when the villain wins you saw how dirty he fought. It's American, it's anti-social, it's red-blooded, and the conservative blogs are the bane of the skinny-assed statist dork in The White House. We're the victors. Do you need another reason?


Left Coast Rebel said...

Awesome post and spot on. Blogging is a dirty, tough, red-blooded contact sport. And as you say the skinny-assed statist dork doesn't stand a chance against a conservative thinker. It's like the hippie F@#! Glenn Beck hater I pointed to today.....

Rhod said...

LCR, you think the statist dork ever put up his dukes?

Opus #6 said...

Dork put up his dukes on Sunday when he lamented that when news becomes all "blogosphere" people end up just shouting at each other.

I think he's working towards deputizing the "shout" police.

Anonymous said...

Reb, I'm proud to say I've never been called a skinny-assed dork.

It's amazing how, when a news story breaks, I immediately go to the blogosphere for energetic reporting and comprehensive info. What a resource!! Of course, I could always wait for the next morning's Sacramento Bee to read what they want me to read.

Anonymous said...

Rhod... Yes. But she never pressed charges.

Anonymous said...

Opie, I'm hoping that his plate is getting so full that he'll have little time for monitoring talk radio & blogs. Of course, he may use just that scenario to diffuse and divert the anger of old white people.

Lynnae said...

He may not have time to monitor, but watch out for the Talk Radio Czar.
And good one about pressing charges.

Rhod said...

Any attempt to silence talk radio will find its way to SCOTUS, then if lost there, tr will go to satellite or offshore transmission.
They'll never stop it, and the consequences of trying will spell ruin for whoever does.

That will be an outright revolutionary act. I don't doubt that the punk in chief and his toadies will try it, though.

Anonymous said...

The truth will always come to the surface.

Anonymous said...

Lynnae, I'm sure they daily plot ways to stop Limbaugh.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, if they bring back pirate radio, it may just be the opportunity for a Freddy & the Dreamers revival.

The pamphleteers may have to go back to writing pamphlets.

Anonymous said...

Dad, you can pour on all the Clearasil you want but, on that date, that zit will pop through. Trust me.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your post describes why I fight tooth and nail against the deluded right every day Nickie Goomba.

Not that I enjoy channeling former President Bush but fellas, Bring it on! If you dare.

JihadGene said...

Some good points there!
And I thought they hated me because I'm a tax paying small business owner and a US Army veteran.

Teresa said...

The dork couldn't even take care of BO( his dog). I think the MSM can hang it up and leave the important essentials of reporting the facts to us. Since, its obvious MSM doesn't have a clue about investigative reporting.

Opus #6 said...

Truth, I pity you. I bet the next ACORN check bounces.

Anonymous said...

Truth, we're all in this battle. Our presence is certainly strong enough that you felt you had to come here and declare your strength (accompanied by the chirping of crickets).

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Gene, put on your pants and stand up for America. You are a great American.

Anonymous said...

Terri, Obama supposedly has no knowledge of any of the actions of his cabinet, staff, or czars.

He treasures deniability.

Anonymous said...

Opie, you can bet he blogs with the help of an NEA grant.

McGonagall said...

Great post Rhod.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is, isn't it, Scunnert? Rhod's prose is found only in the blogosphere. That's about all you need to know.

Thanks, my friend, for taking the time and making the effort to put this post together. Reading this sort of reminds me how I used to get editorial sections and take them with me to savor later. Now, my friends are the editorialists.

LL said...

There is still the opportunity to be a sovereign individual in the US. I personally think that the ObamaNation is a dark cloud passing over Old Glory and that it will pass the way a thunder storm does. There's a little water on the ground, but we clear things up when we identify who it is that would manipulate and destroy us and grow stronger for uniting and defeating it.

TS/WS said...

FDR and his side kick Henry A. Wallace tried to kill capitalism. Jesse H. Jones, Dept. Commerce, stopped them, made them look like fools. Jones made the Govt. Money. The news reporters started to hear the arguments between them in the halls of the White House. The people finally caught wind of Wallace's commie ties. Illegal Russian campaign contributions investigations only cleared Truman for the 4th term ticket for FDR's V.P. running mate.
The majority of the people did not know about this subject to fight in the 1996 illegal contributions.
No blogs then.
We had Jones to stop this in `43. To day all we have is a bunch of loud BLOGGERS. Who will we have in the near future?
OOPs I said I would not bother you all with my crazy subjects. Sorry I just cannot help it. I'll try not to do it again.

Anonymous said...

DC, I feel so honored that Rhod bothers to scribble his poetry on this site. I'm constantly humbled to read the state of the world through the sentences of this wordsmith.

Anonymous said...

"But we clear things up when we identify who it is that would manipulate and destroy us and grow stronger for uniting and defeating it."

LL, thanks for the inspiration. Between you and Rhod I'm beginning to see a silver lining.

RightKlik said...

Proudly throwing my little pebbles, making tiny waves in the blogosphere. Keep up the good work, y'all

Anonymous said...

TS/WS... You're always welcome here. And I have a special place in my heart for anybody willing to kick Henry Wallace around.

I can't promise you'll get a whole lotta agreement here, but you can talk about your "crazy subjects" anytime you want. Don't forget... You're introducing new ideas and concepts. I welcome them.

Mike said...

The sad truth is, this post (and others like it) read like they could have been taken straight out of Nazi-era Germany for thier harsh words against tyrrany; not written today, in the context of a democratic republic known for its love of freedom and truth.

Good word, Rhod.

Oh, and "Truth" - I´d have to say, and I quote Priscilla from Not Another Teen Movie "Oh, it's already been brought'n!"

Rhod said...

Truth101 is definitely an entry-level course. I'd like to see the syllabus.

We've been challenged to a two-man-go-in-one-man-come-out duel of roll-taking.

Rhod said...

Freddie and The Dreamers are sitting in Truth101 class, waiting for their plastic scissors and crepe paper.

Rhod said...

Thanks to everyone here...I thought Scunny would like the apple-cart destruction (we can agree on most things)...

I'm still bothered that run-on-sentence guy, Truth101, wanted to scratch our eyes out. That tooth and nail stuff and purse-swinging is pretty old-school.

Here we prefer to use our brains.

Timeshare Jake said...

Bravo! Bravo!

Doom said...

I do not even have a television anymore (or a landline). I may get a landline if I get a home, but not a television. It provides gruel for the lowly and sinks lower every year. News is only a part of it. "Entertainment" is just as bad, maybe worse. They do not know they are being fed poison, those who watch. I do.

Blogs, guns, bible. Oh, and some beans to trade if you run out of ammo. The rest they can keep.

Rhod said...

Hey, it's been several hours since Intro to Truth put down his 12 oz freeweight and challenged us to a think-off. Where is he?

I actually prefer post-grad level Truth, but any detour to Leftardia is okay when you're bored.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was waiting for you to post something worth responding to Rhod. I already agreed with Nickie Goomba about why blogs matter. It would be tasteless of me to change the meme to something else on his blog. But as long as Mr. Goomba thinks I add something in the way of a disenting voice to his journalistic endevour, I will be glad to come here and enlighten Rhod and others.

Rhod said...

You've "enlightened" me, T101, sort of. If your vague comment above confirmed my point in "Why Blogs Matter", I didn't see it. It just wasn't clear enough to qualify as enlightenment.

I remain "unenlighted" by your other points, probably because you have a history with Nickie in his "journalistic endeavor" that I don't know about.

I doubt that you could "enlighten" me on issues that matter, though, because what you mean when you use that word is "to inform" or "to clairify", not "to enlighten" unless you're trying to be insulting...which you are.

By the way, have you heard that George Bush is no longer President? Thought I'd enlighten you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And the mess President Bush left will be with us long after he is gone Rhod.

I didn't take much notice of the Three Tenors deal Rhod so I wasn't aware you were one of the contributors here. If you prefer this site to remain closed to "interlopers?" I'll stay away.

Teresa said...

@TRUTH 101,
This economy is increasingly getting much worse due to Obama's incompetence. Bush is only to blame for this crisis about 25%, which is due mostly that he happened to be President at the time. The Democrats are to blame for about 50% due to Fannie and Freddie which Bush warned, tried to stop, but the Democrats were lining their pockets with money so they blocked Bushes efforts. Under Clinton there was the Community Reinvestment ACT where banks were forced by the government and the corrupt group ACORN to approve mortgage loans to people who they knew couldn't afford to pay the money back. There are other items that the Democrats blocked that could have either prevented this crisis or lessened the blow. But, in reality there are downturns and upturns that happen in a normal capitalistic economy regardless of what people do, or don't do. And, that's accounts for the other 25%. WE just happen to be in one of those downturns. But, now and in the future because of Obama we will have to deal with inflation and major taxes on children and grandchildren.

Rhod said...

Maryrdom isn't appealing, T101.

You "dared" me to engage you, the tooth and nail guy taking on the "deluded right". I did, and now you're hurt and offended.

The problem with you guys is that you think bluster is the same as belief, and outrage is a real opinion.

As soon as you brought up Bush it was apparent you couldn't live in the present. Stick around. The deluded right awaits.

Mango's Madness said...

I am just adding my words to the arena in the supreme hope that, we the people, will wake up and recognize what is really happening now. We are like modern day Thomas Paines, a thorn in the side of the empty suit in charge!


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Now that I have permission from two of the Three Tenors, I will gladly provide a voice of reason to this site.

I doubt many will visit this particular thread anymore so look forward to more insight on later threads from Yours Truly...