THIS guy has 86 wives, and Allah helps!
This might be why so many Euros are converting to Islam. You can have at least four legal ones, and in England you can pick up an extra $47 American for each one. That's a good monthly payment on a running Triumph Herald.
The downside for Mohammad Bello Masaba is that he has 107 children, and he's been ordered to divorce 82 wives, leaving him with unbelievable alimony and child-support payments. You play, you gotta pay.
Women are getting gypped in this Muslim deal. It sounds like he played just a wee bit too much.
My lovely Bride and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve! I love her dearly and will until my dying day!
But Dear God, one is enough!
Lock & Load!!!
Sons and Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!
What (L) said.
And you know this flippin' idiot won't pay a dime in support. His children, embittered by the lack of a steady paternal influence and a diet of moongod insanity, will grow up as jihadi fodder. All financed by the English ratepayer thankyouverymuch.
Well if he blew himself up would he not get 72 virgins as well??
I am losing count here????
One hundred and seven children. Who the hell gets these kids to soccer practice?
Nickie, It is not so much who but what gets them to jihad,oops, soccer practice,,certainly not a hybrid.
My ex 'ripped me a new one' simply cannot grasp what that might be like X 86.
I predict that within twenty years of the normalization of gay marriage, polygamy, polyandry and polyamory will also be normalized.
Bestiality will still be outlawed, because one progressive obsession -animal rights - will overcome another progressive obsession, the redefinition of marriage.
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