Last night's loss to the Texas Rangers left Joe Maddown longing for the simpler years of patriotism and fun ... before every one expected the Rays to win ... back when his hair was shorter and brown. His eyes, well, they were always bad. But you can't have everything when you have life by the tail.

DC - there is something about you that brings out the best in others. As I am but a humble Neo-Pneumatic, I am only starting to appreciate the true meaning of Boyle's Law and the Seven Blessed Steps To Pressurized Self-Actuation.
May the Piston be with you.
Had 'em
Hilarious. Sig and Zio, just wonderful. I was going to delete Sven's comment, but I think it's res ipsa loquitor.
Hold on ... Kraxpelax in Swedish means "Spaghetti and Meatballs." Any one seen Goomba lately?
What the Hell? Did you see the fans leaving in droves at the START of the 9th inning? Sorry bunch! Go Yankees!
Yeah, pro baseball fans in FLA are lame. The Rays have had a great run.
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