
September 2, 2014

Nekkid Greta ... And A Duck

This mutt has no shame. She just flaunts it. And the duck don't care much either.

It's my daughter's dog, Greta the Great, and her latest conquest - Duck.

She's a rescue hound, about two years old, mixed Pit Bull and Boxer. Her head's made of concrete and she's kinda needy but she is truly a lovable, affectionate dog. Our daughter drove back to Ft. Bragg at oh dark hundred this morning. When I came home from work this afternoon I still half expected Greta to greet me at the door.

Meanwhile, the duck has been completely eviscerated. He's barely hanging on in the photo.


Kid said...

Duck Porn, Well that's just great.

WoFat said...

Nifty dog.

sig94 said...

Kid - I was only thinking of you.

sig94 said...

WoFat - she's 85 pounds of twitchy, needy, don't leave me love.