
September 1, 2009

How To Live Like DC


If you're tired of the limp and embarrassing condition of your investment timber, you need DC'S CASH HACIENDA!

If your portfolio is earning low Marx and you want to belly up to the Warren Buffet, DC's your guy! You want out of South Africa and Israel? DC can get you into cloning. Low energy? He can have you pumping oil and boring for coal in one day!

Housing market off? How about prison construction in Mexico? Your portfolio will pry the lids off nail kegs across the Rio Grande. Tired of the slow transgender market? Consider synthetic humans. It's EASY!

Learn what everyone but you is talking about. Pave your way to financial happiness with DC's proven prosperity system. The testimonials are real, from real customers!!

In two days I traded up from reclaimed Kingsford and gasoline to propane!

Nickie Goomba - California

I was able to afford Merle Norman stuff in the first week. **

Opus #6 - Arkansas

That new sump pump works cool. My cellar don't flood no more!

Wetzy - Georgia

No more tire plugs. Now I can afford recaps!

Woodsterman - Vermont

Goodbye mullet! Now I can see a hairstylist!

LL - Louisiana

Remember! There are no sorrows for Soros! Call DC at 1-800-555-LOOT. Ask for DC, Bambi or Steele. Do it TODAY!

** Results not typical. Not to be construed as a solicitation for investments.


Anonymous said...

OK, here's a dollar. That's it. Stop bothering me. Stop Emailing me.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this? Did Nickie (Price is Right ... I bid a minute over your last post) Goomba hide it?

I didn't even catch this today.

No wonder my phone has been ringing off the way.

No, Nick, I can't get you into "man bra" manufacturing.

Rhod, where is Huck's magic sauce? That stuff is going to make a fortune. I am surprised O'Reilly is not selling it on his site as "Factor Gear".

Opus #6 said...

This is funny. Arkansas? Is that how you picture me?

Anonymous said...

Opie, you really don't wanna go digging into DC's imagination.