
September 5, 2009

Treehouse for Punks

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Van Jones (see post nearby) is the latest dunce in the opera bouffe production known as the Obama Presidency. Like a lot of Obama's friends and appointees, Jones is leftist riff-raff - another scale from the rotting fish of Ivy League radicalism. He's the tough guy to Obama's Urkel, which is something like a pattern with this President.

Jones is also a Truther, which puts him in a class with short dolts named Sheen, and hectoring hags named O'Donnell and Garafalo. Good company. He also speaks in Marxist cant, which puts him in a category with millions of simple-minded misfits for whom Marx was the signpost to temporary attention, abusive power and permanent irrelevance.

That anyone even reads, much less believes in, the ravings of a 19th-century failure and crank, is amazing in itself. Marx was an idea thief who harvested his gruesome mechanistic theories from his collaborators, contemporaries and Hegel. He added some utopian egalitarianism from Rousseau and a bit of communard silliness from thinkers as far back as Plato.

Lucky for Marx, his ideas floated - rather than sank - atop the froth of a rationalist age that would include, eventually, Freud and Darwin, who added their own work to the scientific observation of mankind. He would have disappeared entirely if his crackpot rumination didn't have the prevailing intellectual mood (and European malignity) on its side.

But it was the beginning of a modern age, and we know the ruinous results of Marxism's imposition by Lenin, Stalin and others, in the name of progress, modernism and technology. When you picture human society as a clockwork mechanism, people are just screws, levers and wheels, and their blood is just another lubricant.

Why would anyone be a Marxist today? Marxism is to the study of human aspiration what phrenology is to the study of the brain. First, it's stupid, but even worse, it inhibits real knowledge by overwhelming its subject with simplifications. It's the dogma of the attention-hungry, ignorant, beligerent fool. Obama seems drawn to these fizzing bad boys; not being courageously bad himself, he delights in their company .

Every now and then, the drool from pop culture spills into politics and we end up with a Barack Obama. We have to tolerate him for at least four years. But we don't have to tolerate a wrathful punk like Van Jones. Resistance is the only rational response to a goon who speaks the language of defunct 19th-century authoritarianism. He can sit on Marx's tombstone and rotate to ground level, but Liberty is the new radicalism, and it always will be! Dress-up revolutionaries can go to hell. We've seen their future, and it doesn't work.


Opus #6 said...

A succinct condemnation of Marxism, Obama and his cronies. Excellent!

USA_Admiral said...

Outstanding Rhod!

Rhod said...

Thank you, Opie and Admiral. I'm Goomba's Marxism Czar. He ordered me to do it, or he wouldn't validate my parking slip.

McGonagall said...

A provocative post Rhod. You failed to mention that Marx was an economist whose predictive theories can only be dismissed by time. Failed states that added "communist" to their titles are no measure of the failure of communism just as the failure of the German Democratic Republic did not mark the demise of democracy.

Only time will tell whether Marx was correct in his predictions.

Rhod said...

I didn't "fail" to mention it, because what you're talking about it isn't Marxism but a kind of millenarianism that its adherents ascribe to Marxism. The millenium is coming...just not yet.

This defense of Marxism seems to me about as valid is Ptolemaic planetary motion.

I've no doubt that you'll make the second standard defense that failed socialist states failed at socialism rather than socialism failing them. You'd have to produce the empirical evidence; I wouldn't.

At any rate, we'll always disagree. No problem.

Rhod said...

By the way, Scunnert, Marx is riveting and fascinating to read. I can understand the influence he has over the materialist mind. Marx can also provide a cosmology for the rootless and alienated. That's why he isn't forgotten.

William Blackstone said...

Wow, great stuff now I have to go read more Marx, I think that Marxists(Commies) are like that Jason Guy from Friday the 13th. They always find an audience and never go away. Just when you think it is safe to go back into the water (Shark week)comes on. Enough Bloviating!

McGonagall said...

Haven't read Marx since I was a kid Rhod and have no wish to do so again. What you call Marxian millenarianism is, I think, a valid observation of communist ideology although not of Marx's works themselves. Marx, if I remember rightly, was never prescriptive but deterministic.

I admit I did find his breadth of knowledge fascinating as exemplified in the Grundrisse, ( you can read the online edition here - ) but am now too old and bored with theory. That he still has the capacity to get folks all bent out of shape however, testifies to his impact - if not his relevance.

Marx was a great man of letters and will be remembered as such by future generations.

Anonymous said...

Bravo great Post

Anonymous said...

To excell is at our human core, Marxism stiffles that. Exploitation of Liberty is what's going on! Great post!

Anonymous said...

Man of great letters? My ... We actually have empirical evidence that it doesn't work. It doesn't work because it flies in the face of human nature. That's why many of the world's great tyrants so love the theory. It stifles liberty, which is consistent with mankind's natures. Here in America, we hold this truth to be self-evident.

Man is more than material, Scunnert. This viewpoint seems obtuse, I guess, to the secular mind but many here in America do note how remarkable it is to believe something that has been proven a failure every time it's been tried. And if you can't find the perfect laboratory, as Rhod notes, maybe the Marxists are on the wrong planet.

Anonymous said...

BTW, thanks Rhod for taking the time and making the effort to post.

We make merry, pop underwear around here and all, but we profit every time you take the time to put your thoughts and experience on the blog. (tipping my cap)

Opus #6 said...

Scunnert and Anonymous Marxist/commies:

Please. Keep your theories. No problem. Love whatever scheming, thieving political system you want. Love tyranny. There are a number of countries where this system, or something closer to it than Americans want, is in use.

But why bother America with all this. Why. Does it gall you SO much to see America and her president labeled "the leader of the free world"? Jealousy is unbecoming.

Kid said...

If he wasn't a Commie, being dumber than a sack of wet mice would do it for sure.

Man, I hate Truthers. They're so freaking stupid.

They'll put their entire argument on the moronic idea that an oil fire cannot melt steel.

And they miss the glaring evidence that the fire was 105 stories in the air and subject to at least 40 mph winds.

Much like a Bellows brings fresh oxygen to a fire and allows people like the Egyptians to cast metal with simple fire.

I could add a lot more but you're not worth the bits in cyberspace.

If you're a truther - you are dumber than dirt. Offense Intended.

Kid said...

Opus, you have the main point here.

If these people want communism, why don't they move to a communist country and save one hell of a lot of time.

Well, folks, why don't you ?

King of New York Hacks said...

Awesome post...this joke just keeps getting worse.

Rhod said...

Scunnert, Marxism today has a multitude of sects, as you know. It morphs like the AIDS virus. I couldn't keep up with them, myself, and conclude that anything so flexible - to include art and literary criticism and everything political - is a toy and not a tool. It's a little like early Italian fascism - everything and nothing, a thought game.

You note its central defect. Its claimed inevitability (determinism) against the revolutionary need to bring it about through action. It can't be both, and Critical Theory tried to make it so.

In any case, people who find it compelling shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of state power..her in the US> Anywhere else is okay with me, as long as it's freely chosen.

Rhod said...

PS: Obama has 31 czars, including Jones. This is a constitutional problem. Roger Simon has a good post on the issue.

The Balance of Powers has been subverted; Congressional scum of both parties is floating in silence.

Stay awake.

McGonagall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
McGonagall said...

Opus #6 said...
"Scunnert and Anonymous Marxist/commies:"

Opus, I'm not a Marxist - I thought I'd made that plain in a previous post - Marxists are all into economic and social theory which bores me silly.

I'm an anarchist - by which I mean that I distrust the state and believe in the sovereignty of the individual. I'm also a socialist - by which I mean I believe that whatever necessary services communities need should be held in common - owned and controlled by the people rather than bureaucrats, political place men, or corporate shysters.

Personally I don't see a great deal of difference in our beliefs - I'm not hung up on labels.

Anonymous said...


I do thank you for your chipper spirit and cheery debate of these subjects with us troglodytes. However, I am thinking of suspending your blogging privileges again (just joshing, mate).

But seriously ... Sovereignty of the individual? But you believe in socialism ... that takes away from one individual (based upon a group of individual preferences) and gives to another individual, who may or may not be deserving. Without standards beyond an individual preference, who is to decide? No one, can.

Your worldview is at war with itself.

McGonagall said...

DC says;
"Without standards beyond an individual preference, who is to decide?"

Well - me. That is democracy after all.

Rhod said...

Breitbart is reporting that they pulled up the rope ladder on Jones. He's no longer in the treehouse.

Kid said...

I wouldn't have such a problem with socialism if one had to present proof of paying taxes within the majority of the voting period (51%) in order to vote.

But in my opinion the wheat still needs separated from the chaff in order to maintain a healthy growing society.

And some people simply won't put in the effort unless they are forced to.

Socialism = mediocrity at best

The Right Guy said...

Obama is more of a Fabian Socialist. A minor distinction to some, but a distinction none the less.

Opus #6 said...

Scunn, I didn't say you were a commie. I said AND anonymous commie commenters. Nothing inclusive there, just said in the same breath.

Anarchist? So you want anarchy? You will never be able to leave home ever again. Anarchy means you sit home with your assault weapons loaded and slung over your back to defend family and property. Or you get everything taken away by marauding neighbors.

Hmm. I have an idea. Antarctica. That's anarchy, right?