
September 21, 2009

Learn the truth about America's 'Uninsured'


Stenio Guilherme Vernasque da Silva said...

This video is very educational to understand what is a universal system of public health care.
I'll try subbing it to share here.
Very good!

Northman said...

Oh no! These poor people. Cho got hit by a car and got a bill she didn't have to pay. Do you know how traumatizing that is?

What was that hairless creature with the D-Ring in it's nose? I knew that Obama wanted to include illegals by legalizing, but Orcs? Where will it end.

That whole compassionate entry deal is just racism. They're simply pointing it out because they hate Mexicans. I think we should actually export healthcare. We should require our medics fighting in Afghanistand & Iraq to fix up Jihadi's who get shot fighting our people because everybody deserves healthcare... oh, we do that.

I really like the alternative care guy. Screw medicine that works, I want health care that allows me to pick and choose from a buffet of shit that doesn't but makes me feel more worldly. Give me a little Chinese lady sticking needles in my ass and hot class cups on my back while Buddhist monks chant Fleetwood Mac lyrics beside a waterfall in a negative air chamber over penicillin any day!

These poor souls need help Nickie! Where is your heart!?

Anonymous said...

Obrigado, Stenio. Espero que esteja bem, e que os outros gostem deste vĂ­deo.

Anonymous said...

Dillinger, I'm not laughing about the medics in battle. I'm pretty sure we're not far from that already.

Northman said...

Oh I know we are, I was being facetious.

MTL said...

You see Nickie, this is why I can't read your blog. Your posts make my blood pressure boil because they are spot on.
Arrghhh....young people making good livings thinking insurance is unnecessary. They may think that, but it's why our car insurance rates are so highfor medical payout options, because of douchebags like them.

Opus #6 said...

This is a manufactured crisis.

The purpose of this crisis is up for debate.

It looks suspiciously like a Federal Power Grab .

The Conservative Lady said...

It's all about power and control.

Kid said...

The DemoCommies most definitely want ALL that money that is deducted from our paychecks and that our employers pay beside to be re-routed through DC.

It is all they are interested in. Period.

CI-Roller Dude said...

Yeah, sometimes I wonder why I've wasted so many years of my life defending a country so full of retards.
What's even better are the parents who "can't afford to feed thier children"...because they spend most of their money on drugs and they need food stamps.

Anonymous said...

Laura, just take deep restful breaths... and keep reading!

Anonymous said...

Opie, it's a great example of setting one group against another. The Democrats do it so well.

Anonymous said...

But then again, Lady, so is marriage.

Anonymous said...

Kid, you mean they really don't care about my free hip replacement?

Anonymous said...

Dude, remember that when you're in the ballot box.

Kid said...

"Kid, you mean they really don't care about my free hip replacement?"

Only if you're on the list Mon Frere.

Left Coast Rebel said...

Linked at LCR, thank you for finding and putting this up.

CJ said...

I agree with the tenor of this video. It's interesting how it brings out the unhappy people of the world in comments.

It's interesting that the first person on the video has a Canadian accent instead of an American one. It doesn't change the thrust of what it's saying: the number of people who can't get insurance is overstated. I can't deny that. It gives the losers of the world something to feel good about themselves about and something to post about.