Thus Sprake Zaradouchebag:
No ... no we don't, not at all."When we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I'm sayin'?"
(Skip to the 1:00 mark for the beginning of Glover's verbal defecation.)
The devastation in Haiti is the result of a sudden shift in the earth's tectonic plates.
Momma Gaia did not have a screaming migraine because of something that did or didn't happen in Copenhagen.
The following diagram will illustrate the location of hundreds of earthquakes that define the tectonic plates. Notice how the Caribbean Sea is involved in a plate that comes out of the north area of the South American continent like a horn and stops just short of Cuba.

And that is what happened to Haiti.
Not this...
Glover, Robertson and Coakley are all trying to outdo each other for asshat of the month.
It's going to come down to the wire but I think Glover is going to be the "winner".
Sig94: Trying to explain continental plate techtonics to a liberal using charts and graphs is a tough task. With Danny Glover, first try a few pages of Dick and Jane, then work your way up.
FYI: I thought he was great in 'Places in the Heart,' but nothing else. Yes, he should stick to the script reading, because this thinkin' thing is not his schtick.
I'm surprised Glover didn't bring up the race card, that has been one of his favorites in the past; he should stick to reading scripts which make him look more intelligent than he is.
Ace had it right. This is why we call him actor Danny Glover rather than Doctor Danny Glover, or even High-functioning Retard, Danny Glover.
Actors are automatically given "know-it-all" status by the press. I do love it when one of them sticks their head right up their ass in front of the whole world.
Danny Glover is a good actor.
He should stick to acting and allowing other people to put words into his mouth, as you suggested.
Because he's a buffoon (sadly, a condition that seems to effect many actors).
Remarkably, if somebody sat him down and explained tectonic movement and why it had nothing to do with the words, spoken or unspoken in Copenhagen, Washington or Port au Prince, he still wouldn't get it.
PERSONALLY, I think he read a script somebody handed him wherein the failure at Copenhagen resulted in a big earthquake and he's somehow quoting some coked out/tokked out screenwriter.
Chris - They're having an Asshat Off contest next week.
Fredd - There never is a crayon around when you really need one.
TFS - He should stick to oatmeal and soft boiled eggs. Makes moving your jaws up and down so much easier and your lips don't have to do a thing.
Rhod - Don't be a tease; still waiting for you to call me.
Odie - The press issues "Cram Your Head Up Your Ass" permits that are good for five years. Glover has renewed his permit several times now.
LL - Someone mentioned "Tectonic" to Danny a while back and he said he got rid of the deer tics with a kerosene enema.
Amen on Danny Glover!!
Sig, I'm holding out for a good clam roll. Until you're willing to spring for one, no deal.
So let me get this straight: If Glover thinks the Haiti earthquake was caused by global warming and could have been prevented by Copenhagen legislation, then I believe he wins the idiot of the month award. He actually makes the Satan-pact comment seem less ridiculous, and that's hard to do!! Open mouth, insert foot.
It's too bad Danny didn't get a Darwin award in his youth. Goes double for Obama.
Pat Robertson? Naive! Way off base.
actor Danny Glover? Dolt.
I blame the Haiti earthquake on Rush Limbaugh and his excessive cigar smoking. I talked to God about it and he told me I was right.
Why should we pay any attention to a man who makes a living playing make believe?
I love it when Danny Glover spouts off.
Well, I'm undecided on this global climate thingamabob thing. I'm waiting to hear from a couple more celebrities.
Anyone know if sean penn has made a statement yet?
Dang, the suspense is killing me.
When does Gibbs say that Glover's comments are "utterly stupid"? I hope Glover keeps on talking. It just highlights how unhinged the Left really is.
now now....we all know that the tectonic plates of that region are slip sliding around because of everyone's darker skin color....you see...the darker the skin the color...the more sunlight and heat is attracted to the area....which dries out the soil faster than in places predominantly inhabited by whitey cracker heads ....and with dried up soil due to all the heat it makes the tectonic plate slide faster.
See? It is scientific....and then there is this other problem....see Pat Robertson is sleeping with Satan these days...this is why he alone was privy to the conversation between Satan and the Haitians.....
It all makes perfect sense....
Look, I know you guys desperately want a liberal to be as shockingly stupid and cold-hearted as Robertson, but I don't think that's the case here.
If you actually listen to what he says, and don't immediately hear what you want to hear, you will realize that what he is most likely saying is that disasters of this magnitude in the Caribbean will be common should climate change proceed unchecked.
But don't let me get in the way of your 2 minutes of hate.
John - it may be a s**t sandwich on rye or a s**t sandwich on whole wheat but it is still a s**t sandwich.
Swallow at your peril.
But don't let me get in the way of your 2 minutes of schizo parsing.
You've failed to address the issue. No big shock there. Your guy, ol' crazy jebus freak Robertson, blames the quake on the god's wrath. How medieval of him.
Whereas Glover doesn't blame the quake on global warming at all... you've simply inferred this along with millions of other conservatives. Again... he simply says that disasters of this magnitude can be expected in the future should climate change proceed unchecked.
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