
January 24, 2010

Obama Gets His Groove Back

From the Stop the ACLU via the Rott, a simply marvelous satire:

Hopefully it stays a satire and does not evolve into a prophecy.


Anonymous said...

Sig, what a find. I suspect we may be doing reprise after reprise of this beauty.

The Conservative Lady said...

This is great. I'm posting it over at my Facebook page with a link back to you.
I love the Beatles. Obama...not so much.

Anonymous said...

Lady, I predict a successful future for those lads from Liverpool. Obama? Not so much.

Rhod said...

The Beatles are getting back together, one Beatle at a time.

Anonymous said...

Like all that redo Beatles songs Obama comes up short. Love this video

Timeshare Jake said...

The disrespect to the Beatles! I am going to help it go viral.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Yes, he is .....

Anonymous said...

Rhod, weren't you once known as Bumble, the 5th Beadle?

Anonymous said...

Wow ... good stuff. Satire? It's truth. Tax your feet! Tax your heat!! It's cap-and-tax, man.


sig94 said...

A future Golden Oldie from the Congressional Groove Vault.

Anonymous said...
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