
September 22, 2010

Brace yourself, grasp your wallet, and take a look at this...

If you were asked to produce a single chart illustrating the biggest single political issue in America today, what would it look like?

We're taking on that challenge today.
Here's what we came up with:

This Chart of Horrors courtesy of POLITICAL CALCULATIONS.


El Cerdo Ignatius said...

As Stacy McCain says, lie down with the Bushes, wake up with the Democrats. Interesting is the difference between the Clinton years (rate of growth declining vs. Bush I) and Zero's years (throw gas on the fire started during Bush II).

LL said...

I've heard BBC and other investigative reports indicate that the feds are lying about the current national debt (what a shock). They suggest that it's roughly one trillion higher than reported. When you factor in the unfunded liabilities, its cataclysmic and exceeds the GNP.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Nickie, I'm afraid only the people who pay their bills on time understand this one. Obama asks us to support his aunt, so of course he doesn't understand.

sig94 said...

Mindful that this post could completely neutralize the benefits of all my medications, I couldn't get into this for a few days. This is freaking me out. These maniacs... these clowns...

It will drive the economy underground. That's why they are hiring all the new IRS agents.

Kid said...

Nice Chart.

It's late, but as I read it the median household income goes up by a factor of 5 (10,000 to 50,000) and the federal spending goes up by a factor of 7 (500,000 to 3,500,000).

You can translate that as America being a hell hole in about 10 years. One that you can See From Your House !

Let's say the FED monetizes some or all of the debt. (They won't, but..) You haven't gained anything. Your dollar (which if it was worth a dollar in 1913, is worth about 6 cents now.) will be worth much less than it is today.

Unless you can somehow magically invest your mattress money in inflationary hedging assets like Gold or stocks for that matter, AND get out right about the time Deflation begins (And deflation Will come at some point), then you're screwed. And hedging your money against inflation is gonna be one damn difficult thing to do.

Inflation is the main method the government and banks, et al, use to steal your money while you're not looking.

I get sick when I think of young Americans today. Some of them will almost deserve it - because they voted for it, but many will not. I say 'almost deserve' it because they were never educated. They've been thrown into to the liberal 'education' system which wants them to be more compassionate to all the minority classes of people. Victims. Those worthless bastards that cry out "I deserve More because I'm a Fill_In_The_Blank".

Damn sad.