
September 21, 2010

Patriotic chants of "USA" must be stopped at University of Illinois

Block-I chant portrays "neither patriotism nor remembrance"

The vast majority of 9/11 observances in this country cannot be seen as politically neutral events. Implicit in their nature are the notions that lives lost at the World Trade Center are more valuable than lives lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere; that the motives of the 9/11 attackers had nothing to do with genuine grievances in the Islamic world regarding American imperialism; and that the U.S. has been justified in the subsequent killing of hundreds of thousands in so-called retaliation.

The observance at Saturday’s football game was no different. A moment of silence was followed by a military airplane flyover; in between, Block-I students chanted “USA, USA.” This was neither patriotism nor remembrance in any justifiable sense, but politicization, militarism, propaganda and bellicosity. The University is a public institution that encompasses the political views of all, not just the most (falsely) “patriotic.” Athletic planners should cease such exploitation for political purposes. They might at least consider how most Muslim students, American or otherwise, would respond to this nativist display; or better, Muslims and others that live their lives under the threat of our planes, drones and soldiers.

The overwhelmingly white, privileged, Block-I students should be ashamed of their obnoxious, fake-macho, chicken-hawk chant, while poverty-drafted members of their cohort fight and die in illegal and immoral wars for the control of oil. University administrators need to eliminate from all events such “patriotic” observances, which in this country cannot be separated from implicit justifications for state-sponsored killing.

David Green,

University Academic Professional


Subvet said...


Hoping the Blind Will See said...

Geez, I was wondering where that post was headed. If I had printed it, it'd be in the circular bin...

Subvet's right, what a moron!

Lilac Sunday said...

I've seen this in a couple of places, and I'm wondering: is it real? Who describes themselves as a "university academic professional?"

LL said...

A true Obama Democrat has spoken!

Wouldn't Washington and Lincoln have been proud?

Toaster 802 said...

A reminder that not only the politicians need to be cleaned out of office. The infestation runs deep, and will not be easily routed.

Anonymous said...

Not a big surprise for the Republic of Illinois

Rhod said...

What a bugwit. The "intelligentsia" has abolished intelligence, at least for themselves, and there's no going back.

This butt nugget even invokes the draft and "poverty" as the first injustice driving our illegal and immoral wars. The draft?

Green aptly describes himself as a University Acaemic Professional, which is longhand for unemployable idiot.

WoFat said...

Poor lad. His willy has been caught in his zipper for years. Can't be any other explanation.

Anonymous said...

That's a tiny zipper.

Anonymous said...

But a big butt nugget.

sig94 said...

"USA, USA..."

Magic detumescent chant for commies. Works better than a naked 8"x10" of Rosie O'Fatass.

Doggone. Just can't seem to shake that big butt thang.

TS/WS said...

If a gas station attendant could be described as a petroleum exchange engineer, then a University Academic Professional must be a JANITOR or Grounds Keeper.

Left Coast Rebel said...

I wouldn't believe that this could be possible if I hadn't actually come across with these academic types in my past.

Krystal said...

A beautiful retort written by a vet may be found at