
September 22, 2010

'Crats deserting a sinking ship


Anonymous said...

Row, row, row your boat ... gently down the stream ... merrily, merrily, merrily ...

Unknown said...

Only yesterday on the Today Show with Matt Laur the recently deposed Car Czar (with new book in tow) of GM stated that Obummer could not have steered us through this economic storm without Sommers and Geitner. This from a man who says GM has a winning economic model now and has paid back the American taxpayer. (Yeah, with borrowed Tarp cash and GMAC bailout bucks). This being the third econ. advisor to jump ship, I have it from reliable sources that more whitehouse staffers are ready to leap. The Nat. Sec. advisor--Johnson has a new book about to be released called "The Obama Wars". As well as telling of BO misteps in foriegn policy he describes how whitehouse heavies like Jarrett and Axlerod are codenamed The Mafia, or The Polit Bureau by those in the field. The Great One cannot take criticism or advice. Sommers was moving in a centrist fashion. A Stalinist Purge is in effect.

LL said...

There will be some deluded liberals who will always feel as if obama did (or wanted to do) the right thing. There will be black people who will cling to him because of the melanin in his skin, without a care in the world for his destructive proclivities because he kept them on welfare and that was enough.

However, thinking Americans, including some of those close to obama, can't help but conclude that he's a destructive influence, in many ways a traitor, and that he's the worst president we've ever had.

Lori Heyd said...

Love it!

Starsplash said...

I wish it said, "crats are deseting a stinking ship".