It took liberal democrats fifty years to accomplish in Detroit what the US Army Air Corps did to Hiroshima in a millisecond. First they destroyed Detroit's educational system with a thirty year long illiteracy airburst delivered by the 509th Dumbass Wing of the Detroit Federation of Teachers.

From CBS Detroit:
According to a new report, 47 percent of Detroiters are ”functionally illiterate.” The alarming new statistics were released by the Detroit Regional Workforce Fund on Wednesday.
WWJ Newsradio 950 spoke with the Fund’s Director, Karen Tyler-Ruiz, who explained exactly what this means.
“Not able to fill out basic forms, for getting a job — those types of basic everyday (things). Reading a prescription; what’s on the bottle, how many you should take… just your basic everyday tasks,” she said.

Then the devastating follow-up economic ground assault. A Democrat controlled Congress deployed the Freddie and Fannie Toxic Mortgage Divisions and conquered vast expanses of sub prime loans. Armed with the Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN operatives and billions of TARP dollars, the Democrats and Republicans made short work of the US economy. From Detroit News.
The recession, high unemployment and the foreclosure crisis turned tens of thousands of Metro Detroit homeowners into renters, with far-reaching implications for schools, the economy and neighborhood stability.Through long-range Alinsky strategic planning and faithful adherence to socialistic principles, these attacks have been carried throughout the US with the greatest success in democrat controlled cities.
New 2010 census data released today reveal a steep decline in home ownership, with 40,000 fewer owner-occupied homes in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Livingston counties than 10 years earlier.
Detroit... America's future. Slap a lefty today.
The Detroit Police Department (with the blessing of the City Council) no longer patrols about 20% of the city and doesn't respond for calls to service in those zones that it deems too dangerous to manage. Sort of like Thunderdome...
Then again, that's also true of America's Southern Border where the Federal Government has declared some regions too dangerous to patrol, so they "abandon the wall".
Liberals still crow about their enlightened status but I don't see a sign of it in reality.
And still people vote for them - presumably because they're too frightened or incapable of taking responsibility for themselves. When state support is withdrawn those cities will burn. This socialist dogma is wicked.
I heard a caller on a radio talk show who offered this explanation for the rapid increase in illiteracy in Detroit: "All the Detroit residents who could read, saw the handwriting on the wall and left town."
I live just North of Detroit and work with many residents of the city so this is of no news to myself. Just last year one of the City's' own elected school board members was found to be illiterate, yes I said school board.
People, do not be deceived as Detroit is not alone in this, just look around your own States and you will find much the same. Detroit is a large example, but that is all, an example or should I say sample of many.
Nickie - Detroit is in the tertiary stage of Democratinitis. Detroit will soon be reclaimed by the Michigan veldt. It has already become a hunting preserve...
LL - this is what you get when you lead from behind.
Ralph - works for me.
Chris - it's the liberal way. It was either Baltimore of DC where a black cop shot her boyfriend. Upon testing it was found that she was legally retarded - she had an IQ less than 75. Just how the hell did she pass the civil service test and get through the police academy? Minority hiring, that's how.
GV - we got a taste of the "burn" In Madison, WI, when the unions got their ass handed to them by the Gov.
Much the same over the pond; recent reports show that 50% of children leave school without a C grade (A= good, E= basic pass, there is no F= Fail) in English and Math, but with no analysis of regional variation to show that socialist Education Authorities perform worst.
The Coalition solution is to force slackers to continue studies in those subjects until they are 18 years old (like that's gonna work even with whip-masters enforcing discipline within the classroom).
el chupa - welcome abroad and thanks.
banned - typical liberal solution. Pay no attention to the process, whether ot not it is fatally flawed. Just keep pushing the same failed agenda. They are so heavily invested in the process that they could care less about the results.
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