From the UK Guardian:
Ahmadinejad allies charged with sorceryThis all started when the Ayatollah was afflicted with severe flatulence during Ramadan. One of his wives remarked that the Ayatollah's ass smelled like Ahmadinejad's speeches and it all went to hell from there.
Iranian power struggle between president and supreme leader sees arrests and claims of undue influence of chief of staff
Close allies of Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have been accused of using supernatural powers to further his policies amid an increasingly bitter power struggle between him and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Several people said to be close to the president and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, have been arrested in recent days and charged with being "magicians" and invoking djinns (spirits).They must also be close to our President and sharing Obumble's special White House blend of Moroccan Ice Hash. You can't make this stuff up unless you're on meds or hallucinogens.
Ayandeh, an Iranian news website, described one of the arrested men, Abbas Ghaffari, as "a man with special skills in metaphysics and connections with the unknown worlds".Translation, "He refused to be the Ayatollah's shower buddy." Special skills, yeah, okay, right ... whatever.
And these mooks are developing nuclear weapons...
Like attempting the Manhattan Project smack dab in the Seventh Century. This is the same reason we don't let children play with matches.
Andy - this may work to our advantage. They may try to fix their high speed uranium centrifuges with chicken bones and virgin's blood.
President Bush tried and failed to find and kill bin laden. President Clinton tried and failed. President Obama tried and succeeded.
The moral of this is.....
If you want someone dead and the body never to be found, hire a black guy.
Sig, I laughed when I heard of this, the sort of laugh that goes along with 'I told you so'.
If this does not serve as proof that isalm is a cult beyond historical facts to that end then I simply do not know what will.
Here's a thought, Iran could ship these individuals to Romania where they actually charge witches with a crime if their predictions to not come to fruition.
Vampires and witches,,,Oh my!
Freedom - to tell you the truth, I would have called a guy named Vinnie in Atlantic City. Goomba knows him...
Chris - And the liberals go nuts here when you mention the Bible. There certainly are principles that you must have in order to function in a civilized fashion, but the clowns running the show in Iran are basing national policy on when some guy crawls out of a well.
Sig, Yup I know of the well, the 12th imam and such but have to say after 500 years down there he will stink to High Heaven,,,lmao.
Couldn't help that, I am still laughing upon return from the Woodstermans site.
Belief in "magicians" and djinns (ie genie, as in bottle) does not sound very Islamic, indeed they are of Persias pre-Islamic Zoroastrian past.
No wonder Saudi Arabia is so insecure about Islam that it forbids archaeology within that Kingdom in case the people revert to idolatry and wind-worship should they help dig up a warrior burial mound.
banned - and there are a few thousand Zoroastrians still kicking around in Persia, err - Iran today. They make lovely music but it's tough to dance to.
Chris - oh yeah, he's got wood. My fav is the song - "You Picked A Fine Time To Lead Us Barack."
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