Today, on Drudge Report, I saw this photo of Barack Obama the Elder with the caption "Obama's father forced out at Harvard". I thought nothing of it.
Then, this afternoon, I was looking through my April issue of Nickelodeon Magazine and came across the following publicity shot. Can somebody please explain what's happening? What am I missing?

You test my ability to bite my virtual tongue.
lol, Doomster.
I'm confused. Are you hinting that our president is the illegitimate son of some 70's situation comedy character? Mary Hartman? Andy Kaufman? Mork?
Zio, you big dummy!
Must be a different Harvard than the one in Cambridge. It had standards.
Does this mean the Kenyans are coming out of the closet?
I can't say it, I can't say it, I can't say it ..........
I plead the Fifth.
This was a pilot real life experiment for the later movie "Guess Who's Coming at (i mean TO) Dinner"
Unfortunately things got out of hand with Miss Dunham and both accidental parents being good Christian Conservatives of course decided against an abortion. Natch !
Mr Obama, playing the stereo-typical role of black father, for one of the potential movie endings, was directed to split and leave the women to parent the boy by herself. As luck would have it, he fell in love with several other women in Kenya and decided to stay there.
The rest is history.
Kid, you're psychic.
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