In case you have yet to hear, some one announced (I think it was some group of lefty pointy-heads) today that the recession is over!! Hallelujah!! We can all breathe easier. Whew ... for a while there I thought the economy was bad.
Also, it appears that this danged thing ended about a year ago (June '09) ... just slipped right out the door. Very shy, these recessions, it seems.
"But hey, if it ended then before any stimulus was spent at all, then Obama had nothing to do with curing the Recession, and in fact, his policies have only exacerbated the problem," you say?
SILENCE!!! We will have no more such blasphemy.
Times are good, you rubes! Don't you know?!!
My conclusion? I think that in the same way the Obama ended Global Warming by his mere presence in office (note how he caused the Global Climate Research Unit to implode and admit that their data was cooked ... at least that's what the BRITISH PRESS reported ... but I digress), brought the country together (Beer Summits), made the Iranians respect us and stop aggression (nice nukes, Ahmadinejad) stopped partisan rancor (i.e., passing Healthcare "Reform" with no Republicans) turned 8 (as in unemployment won't rise higher than 8 percent after this nifty Stimulus Bill) into 10, and raised, I mean, cut middle-class taxes ...
Wait, you didn't get your check? Just because you have yet to receive any money doesn't mean you don't have it, or that it's not on the way.
It's in the mail with the letter decreeing the Recession is over.
So, let's celebrate a little early Thanksgiving and spend that IMAGINARY TAX CUT celebrating this IMAGINARY END TO OBAMA'S RECESSION ... on Nov. 2 at the polls.
See you there.
Strange...I remain unemployed. Let go by the hospital who had employed me for 12 years because they no longer had the money to pay my salary. At least that is what they told me, in essence. Guess they didn't get the memo. Maybe I should follow up with them...maybe my old job is waiting?
Sue, it only appears that you are unemployed. Obama got your job back. You just fail to realize it.
Sorry about your situation and in all seriousness, what do these people take us for? They really think Americans are idiots.
Guess they will find out how grateful folks are on Nov. 2.
well I hate to rain on the bubbly parade...but my father is in the forest products industry, particularly in materials for housing. His customers (mills like Georgia Pacific, Andersen Flooring etc) are scaling back on hours, even shutting down production for a week here and there to keep afloat in this economy. He said the downturn in the mills started in 2007 and our economy didn't reflectively tank until a year later.....
His guess is that this is only the beginning of seeing it get worse and the rest of the nation's economy will not reflect the forest industry downturn until at least 6-8 months from now.
Unclogged and ungrateful ...
Obama's Politburo decided it was over, and the lickspittle MSM did their duty and reported it.
Like the old Soviet Union,with this regime everything is true except the facts.
Crap! That's bad news for obama. Looks like he can't blame the past 15 months on Bush after all. And since the recession was over 5 months after he took office, and the 787 Billion Stimulus was barely touched, it's safe to say that GW's small stimulus (in comparison) did the job it was intended to do. Taking a page out of oabama's playbook, "Imagine where we'd be without obama's stimulus, without TARP, without bailouts and corporate takeovers." Certainly better than 9.5% unemployment, alot less in debt, and stronger, at least fiscally, as a nation. Oh, barack old boy, we can't prove that? How's it feel?
Yeah. Please tell Barack/Bark to hump somebody else's leg because I'm tired of his line of crap.
Yeah, they ask why we don't simply eat cake, or was it grass? Never mind, I don't think they know the difference, the servants handle such complicated matters for them.
All I can say, is thank God they gained power. I honestly think this might honestly be the end of them. No, really. I don't think we could have created a better weapon to destroy them then to let some Americans get what they wanted... coming away hungry, empty, and ashamed even works for the effeminate when there is no one left to blame but the one in the mirror. Now to survive the debacle (and clean our own house... Woot!).
Hoping, I like that. They can blame Bush ... for the recovery.
LL, they are air-humping out on the lawn.
Doom (and Doomer?) ... Just jerking your chain, man.
I like your thinking. The key is ... can we survive this? I think we can/will, but it's not 2012 yet.
Of course, I know you appreciate this ... since none of us are omnicscient, it is hard to sit out an election on the hope that the opposition will screw things up so bad that we will come roaring back.
But we might just come back indeed.
Well now don't I feel like an idiot! Here we closed the doors on our business this week, surrendering a vehicle & boat and filing bankruptcy. I mean sheesh, if we had only waited a couple more days; business would have started booming.
Recession over? Reality check people. It's seems awfully coincidental how this news came out right before the mid-term elections. The cover up for Obama continues....
Gee... I am only employed seasonally as a landscaper and making diddly-squat so when is the recession going to be over for the rest of us?
This thang's over?? My tanked 401k's are restored? Sunovagun, I guess I missed the memo again but I've always been an ungrateful bastard.
Awesomeness, so I should have a job tomorrow when I wake up?! Yay!
LOVE YOUR BLOG! Keep up the great work!!
Common Cents
Just think, if Bush had been president you would have had two businesses to go out of business maybe. Seriously, though, good luck.
Teresa ... I find your skepticism hard to believe. Did you not get your tax cut check yet?
Sig ... confession is the first step to growth.
And Be .... Be ... how did you get your pic taken in Nick's shoes?
I'm heading down to the mailbox first thing in the morning. My Recovery Check from President Obama is probably there waiting for me.
Nick, you can buy you a new pair of shoes since you gave yours to BeMistified. Or ... if the check is not there (in the unlikely event it is not there, that is), then click your dainty little heels together three times and say ... "There is no place like home" three times ...
When I heard that reported, over and over, on the news yesterday the first thing that came to mind was a movie with Gene Wilder (off hand can't recall the name of the movie). He and Gilda Radner were in a small airplane over the Grand Canyon when the pilot has a heart attack and dies.
Wilder's character is flustered at the prospect of crashing and hasn't the nerve to take the controls as Radner keeps saying the pilot is dead.
"He's not dead; he's sleeping!" Wilder shouts as if that will make things alright.
The same holds with the revelation from Obama's administration, "The recession is over!"
What they failed to include in that statement, "It's dead"
Not dead. Sleeping.
I thought they had announced the end of the recession at the beginning of the summer ...?
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