Brown Victory = Brown Pants in the Democrat Party
From The Times Online
Fear and recrimination ricocheted through the Democratic Party today after the loss of a safe Senate seat left Congressmen feeling none of them was secure in the upcoming midterm elections.
Barbara Boxer, a Democratic senator for California, confirmed the sense of alarm spreading through the party. “Every state is now in play,” she told Politico.
Tuesday night’s Massachusetts by-election defeat, in one of the most liberal states in America, stripped President Obama of his 60th, filibuster-proof vote in the US Senate.
Claire McCaskill, senator from Missouri, said: “If there’s anybody in this building that doesn’t tell you they’re more worried about elections today, you absolutely should slap them.”
Hey Baba Boxer. Donna worry! It's Bush's Fault !
We should slap them just on general principles. In their headlong rush to consolidate power in the hands of the elites, they have brought this nation to the brink of ruin.
The government should always be afraid of the People and of what might happen at the ballot box. End of story.
I like them with brown pants better than brown shirts.
Kid, I wonder how the Blame Bush strategy will work in November.
Sig... On the brink and teetering dramatically. Seen the unemployment figures?
Subvet... at the ballot box or elsewhere.
Nice one Wetzy. Way ta turn the double play!
Terri... On the money, as usual.
I'm with Sig94: all Dems need a good slappin' just because, well, just slap 'em and don't think too deeply about it.
...and not a weenie, girly slap. The need a slap with some meat behind it.
Nickie - About 10 million jobs went *poof* in the past two years. Just paying the debt service, much less paying down the principle, will cost billions. Interest on the national debt made up over 27% of our 2009 federal budget deficit.
November 2010
We are coming Washington
We are coming for YOU.
See you at the ballot box.
Now we retake America
this letter is from dem congressman that someone sent to me.
Brown pants? Geez, this is hilarious. The fear and loathing in the Demo Party is so much fun to behold. Did you see Kerry posing with Brown today ... he is preening and talking about openness and such. Reminded me of Eddie Haskel.
Fredd... My favorite is the Dope Slap (Moe/Curly-style).
Sig, I think you're wrong. The government has been hiring like crazy. And, of course, they can't spend money they don't have. That's common sense.
Yeah, Toasty. And then we'll meet them 'round back.
Yes, Dad, the tiller has been adjusted.
Rotti, great post. The fear and desperation within that letter predicts the future better than I ever could.
Isn't it interesting what they are concerned with? When Reagan took office he told his staff to work as if they were only going to get one term - in other words, don't make choices based on whether we will get re-elected. What a difference!
Velcro... Night & Day.
Nickie, Kerry looks like such a pathetic dweeb every time I see him in a pic.
Realistically, he is a deserter. 3 band aid (1 that wasn't even a band aid) purple hearts and out and back home to trash those he deserted. Standard operating procedure for a liberal who knowingly does something wrong - point and squeal at everyone else - to take the attention off of yourself.
Here's a Good One if you hadn't seen it yet. (He's not in the picture)
Link doesn't seem to work, try this
Oh, they should be afraid, Nickie. Very afraid. The sky truly is the limit, now.
The dems are right to be afraid. Conservatives should be afraid too. Watch out for that RINO stampede.
Kid, I hated Kerry in the 70's. I hate him now.
He is absolutely the lowest form of life.
Basterd, the sky is the limit, but the pit is their fate.
Good observation, Klik. I agree.
As stated above, Our system was designed so the government would fear "We The People"! Everyone has forgotten that for far too long.
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