October 30, 2010
Full Disclosure
Goomba and DC even pressed Opie to participate in the deception. Contemptible. It was all for a few cheap laughs at our readers' expense. However, because of the odious Griswold v. Connecticut which gave us the right to privacy (and ultimately abortion on demand), you'll have to guess the identity. You know me already, and I think I look a little like Goomba and, now, Sig, who was chosen for GNN on looks alone. DC, though, is....different. There's a clue for DC, BTW.

"Dagnab it! I missed the ABBA retrospective on VH1!"
DC's Music Festival: Pre-Election Weekend is Upon Us

Friends, the vault still has so many hits in it. I was a little delinquent in getting 'em up last night.
October 29, 2010
DC's Bonus Election Coverage: On the Art of Persuasion ...

I remember the Snow Job. This job is almost as evil.

(CNSNews.com) – The National Football League’s political action committee—Gridiron PAC—has weighed in on the hotly contested U.S. Senate election in Nevada that pits conservative Republican challenger Sharron Angle against Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.
The PAC has given $10,000 to Reid—the maximum it can give in a single election cycle—and no money to Angle, according to Federal Election Commission data compiled by OpenSecrets.org.
PS: Wherever you are, Walt Coleman... F**k You,

I am pissed.

Our pathetic president who campaigned as post-racial endlessly race-baits ... telling a black audience that Republicans need to "sit in back" and an hispanic audience that opponents of open borders are "enemies."
Thanks to our Goomba-in-Chief

You will notice that St. Nick has changed and spruced up the place with new font and such. I like it. BTW, Nicholas does all this sort of stuff, and puts cool pics up when I forget to, which is pretty much always.
Just wanted to say I liked the look and had nothing to do with it ...
Now, back to bringing it home next week.
October 28, 2010
Bitchplosion In Berkeley

For all of my adult life, a large class of self-described intellectuals has opposed any regime which isn't staffed by people like themselves, meaning Progressives, socialists, liberals or whatever euphemism for authoritarianism they use at the moment. This isn't exactly desertion, it's a temporary stroll outside the gates, but they race back inside to their seats when their bleating hearts are fluttering, and one of their own is at the controls. They never desert, they just take an excused absence and scrawl obscenities on the sidewalks.
One way to comprehend the power of their selective loyalties is to notice what happens when they lose, or expect to lose. My first experience with this confusion and rage happened in college, after JFK was murdered. Somehow, Jackie and Theodore White contrived to immediately mainline the ideological narcotic that Jack was killed by a right-wing cabal rather than a slow-witted, comm-symp, Cuba-loving loser like Oswald.
The academic orgy of mass lectures and memorial speeches devoted to Kennedy went on for weeks, with some teaching drones in the Soc Sci Dept appearing to lose their senses entirely. Clearly, something was going on other than a normal response to the lunatic murder of a charismatic, young, promising, bull-thrower like John Kennedy.
The thinkers had to blame someone else, someone they already held in contempt. When the thoughts and sympathies of the perp are disturbingly like some of their own, the thinkers adjust the facts. They did the same thing with RFK. Do you ever hear that Sirhan Sirhan was a nutjob Palestinian?
Anyway, to steal a sneer from Glen Reynolds, there is nothing verifiably elite [or intellectual] about the American elite [or intellectuals]. There is too much they don't know, and consider unworthy of knowing or even investigating. They're also nasty. This will pass, because reality proceeds in spite of the intellectuals' distortion of it. However, never underestimate or turn your back on these hyenas.
Some of them got together in a moonbat sweat-lodge (The Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements - seriously) at Berkeley. Read about it HERE. They're pooling their jellied intellects to comprehend the Tea Party Movement; to understand why the Right knows more about the clown Saul Alinsky than the Left, and even more yet - how to arrest Tea Partiers for being Tea Partiers. Mussolini would recognize them at once.
Captain Reid to First Mate Pelosi: Admiral Obama sent us out here. Everything will be fine.
Five days until the real wave hits D.C., people. Call, email, give last-minute money ... cajole, pray. You love your country. Act on it. Vote.
God bless America, today and always.
October 27, 2010
Please Feed The Lions

[...[ Enough people are sniffing in the same garbage pile anyways, including the Times. Though I suspect they are burying it at the moment, or trying to. They are still heavily invested in Obama, but that may change soon… Go back to Chicago. That is the key. There is other crap around the White House, other things that could trip them up, but Chicago is where the real heavy deal is that could bring the administration down.
[...] Remember Lewinski? If the Democrats had not lost Congress in 1994, there would have been no scandal – at least not to the extent that it became. But Democrats didn’t control Congress, and so the scandal was allowed – encouraged by those -expletive- Republicans to move ahead. Same thing with Watergate. Democrats in Congress allowed the scandal to grow and move ahead. That’s how it works. And now we have a Democrat President, realizing he is looking at a Republican Congress, and he is facing a real -expletive- storm.
[...] The word is out there – President Obama is in real trouble. They may not have the specifics, but the story of a big scandal coming is circulating now within the party – both parties. So why put your own political career on the line supporting a president who is facing such a fiasco? Simple – they won’t. And so you are seeing the separation happening. The party itself is starting to separate itself from the president. You ever watch those nature programs where the herd doesn’t hang out with the sick one? You got that poor sick antelope or whatever standing all by itself and when it tries to join back with the herd they run away from it? They’ll even attack it themselves if they have to. That’s what happens in politics. If you are in real trouble, the others separate from you. That is what is happening to the president right now.
What matters after the elections is whether or not the Republicans are hungry enough to go after the big game. It is more efficient to hunt as a team so Repubbies - stay together on this one. Antelope, zebra, wildebeest - it doesn't matter. Please feed the lions.
And pass me a rib if you don't mind...
Coming to an Election Near You Next Week ...

Here is Jay Cost's yearning to break free and become the Hulk. Bear in mind: Jay is analyzing the Gallup generic ballot numbers and deciding which way his prediction will go. He is expecting numbers soon that may very well make his shirt start fitting like Goomba's college letter sweater he got for curling.
October 26, 2010
A New Democratic Twist On The Inheritance Tax

I can see Vladimir Hestonovich running through the streets of Archangel yelling, "It's people! It's my uncle!"Russian bears treat graveyards as 'giant refrigerators'
A shortage of bears' traditional food near the Arctic Circle has forced the animals to eat human corpses, say locals.
Russian bears have grown so desperate after a scorching summer they have started digging up and eating corpses in municipal cemetries, alarmed officials said today. Bears' traditional food – mushrooms, berries and the odd frog – has disappeared, they added.
Mark heard Obama's demand to sit in the back of the Blunder Bus. Mark then responds.

Obama tells me to “sit in back.” I respond.
“We can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”Oh. So I “gotta sit in back.”
Allow me to spell some things out to you, Mr. President.
1. You were elected to be President of all the United States. To tell a third or more of America that “they gotta sit in back” is unpresidential and inappropriate. For all his faults, your predecessor, whom you like to blame for your failures, had enough class not to say anything like that.
2. I have no intention of sitting in the back of your bus, sir. Moreover, I will not sit in your bus at all. I am doing all that is in my power to do my part to put up roadblocks to stop your bus before it leads us all off a cliff. And millions of Americans are voting to do likewise. We are not interested in sitting on your bus. It only takes left turns.
And as for those RINOs (coughMurkowskicough) who will not do their part to stop you, I am doing my part to throw them under the bus.
3. You seem to have trouble understanding the concept of “shovel-ready.” (Or, to be more accurate, you used that term to lie to the American people.) Will you understand when I tell you take your bus and SHOVE IT*?
*With thanks to the Democrat nominee for Governor of Rhode Island.
October 25, 2010
Not everything is peachy in Texas, but most is ...

Is this as creepy to you as it is to me?

And what's with this new world order "International" House of Pancakes? What ever happened to American food?
October 24, 2010
It Is Time!

Time to destroy the lie that government can do better for us than we can do for ourselves.

They don’t just hate our Republican, conservative, libertarian, strict constructionist, family values guts. They hate everybody’s guts. And they hate everybody who has any. Democrats hate men, women, blacks, whites, Hispanics, gays, straights, the rich, the poor, and the middle class.
Democrats hate Democrats most of all. Witness the policies that Democrats have inflicted on their core constituencies, resulting in vile schools, lawless slums, economic stagnation, and social immobility. Democrats will do anything to make sure that Democratic voters stay helpless and hopeless enough to vote for Democrats.