Twice, in 1974 and again in 2011 I have stood before a judge, raised my hand and taken a solemn oath before God and man that I will defend the Constitution of the State of New York and the Constitution of the United States to the best of my ability. This is an oath that usually precedes someone slapping a firearm into your sweaty paws and teaching you how to use it.
Both in my personal affairs and in my official capacities I have carried a variety of handguns. Over the course of my career, my respect for the Image of God, in which we are made, and my concept of God's Mercy (which has been extended in abundance to me) have stayed my hand from taking a human life. Fortunately there were only a few occasions where this resolve was severely tested.
I enjoy hunting and target shooting. I have developed skills peculiar to my profession that I wish to maintain.
Now, after a foreseeable outrage in Connecticut that could have been prevented if the State of Connecticut had not engaged in a politically correct exercise regarding the custody of potentially dangerous mentally ill persons, suddenly I and so many others like me are a threat because we possess various types of firearms.
We have broken no laws and pose no threat except in the minds of the self-righteous elitists who actually hire us to protect them; yet millions of Americans are demonized for wishing to provide for themselves the same protections the elites enjoy through the contracted service of others.
If it were not so ridiculous it would be funny.
The Second Amendment is one of the most vigorously defended rights that we have. If this one goes, what will eventually become of the others?
Our system of government is unique in that our founding documents claim that our rights are inherent, bestowed upon us by our Creator and that government exists to guarantee the exercise of those rights. Once government decides that those rights are no longer inherent, that they may be exercised only at the discretion of those in power, then those rights can be dissolved at the stroke of a pen.
As a Christian, I am conflicted: I struggle with the notion of obedience to those who govern us when the government is immoral. Did early Christians rail against the Roman Emperor? No, they simply refused to worship him as a god and that was deemed sufficient cause for their execution.
We are not at that the point in America ... yet. I am reminded of Jamie Foxx's recent reference to Obama as "
Lord and Savior" and while this does not amuse me, I take it for what it's worth as the comment erupted from the lips of a fool. What makes my skin crawl is that he got a standing ovation from the audience. Remember the Romans? They were forced to worship the titular head of government. The rights of a Roman citizen, as the Apostle Paul himself laid claim to, ended at the Emperor.
Do not persuade yourself that we are not in the end times. Scripture is very clear as to the universal worship of the Anti-Christ, the Beast, as god. The entire world will be deceived but for the select few who refuse his Mark.
I perceive Foxx's reference to Obama as Lord as a harbinger. The Soul Train audience ate it up and there was little reaction, or none at all, from the general public. Thirty years ago this would not have been the case. Perhaps Satan is just testing the waters; he must feel a lot more secure in presenting his agenda to America,