Gore backs out of an appearance in Copenhagen. To think this spineless, fanatical crapweasel was actually Vice President.
December 5, 2009
He Got The Warm-Monger Blues
Gore backs out of an appearance in Copenhagen. To think this spineless, fanatical crapweasel was actually Vice President.
Confirmed: Liberalism and Breathing Linked to Rotten Poetry
The grotesque, foam-rubber goober with the big "O" on his shirt is, I assume Ollie - leading several adolescent girls in some degrading, witless, activism-is-cool fandango.
Never mind that the girls are much too old for this assinine folly; the accompanying rhyme is so awful, so cloying, idiotic and manipulative that it could only be the work of a liberal.
Apparently, "Air", when you breathe it in twice, causes you to slide from exhausting rhyming couplets to free verse!
God help you when these mushwits are in charge of anything.
Goomba-Bubba Summit Update Monday
Killing Us Softly...
Senate Health Care Update
WASHINGTON -- Fence-sitting senators in both parties are stepping up efforts to reshape health-overhaul legislation, including a push Friday by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, the Connecticut independent, for more aggressive steps to rein in the rapid growth of health-care costs.
The efforts haven't yet produced consensus for the bill. But they suggested the accommodations Democratic leaders will likely need to make with hesitant lawmakers to get the overhaul bill through the Senate.
Sens. Joe Lieberman, left, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter discuss bipartisan health-care proposals Friday.
Voicing concern that "too much of the debate has been divided along partisan lines," Sen. Lieberman joined with Sens. Susan Collins (R., Maine) and Arlen Specter (D., Pa.) to unveil proposals designed to contain consumer and business health costs. Among them were measures to streamline billing for care and penalize hospitals for spreading "avoidable" infections.
"We can and must do more," said Sen. Lieberman. He caucuses with Democrats but has so far withheld his support for final passage of the legislation -- in part because he opposes a government-run insurance plan.
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R., Maine) is working with Democrats on a plan to boost competition among insurers in a new insurance marketplace. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D., Ark.) is working on a proposal to bolster the Medicare trust fund with revenue raised from a proposal to limit the tax deductibility of compensation paid to insurance executives.
More at Wall Street Journal.
December 4, 2009
Some Say He Was "Just a Bivalve"...
A Good Day Ahead ...
December 3, 2009
The Goomba-Bubba Summit Draweth Nigh
December 2, 2009
I'll be back in the New Year

I'm packing up the Goombamobile and heading out for a lengthy visit to Jerusalem. Can't tell you how much I'll miss the witty and snarky input from all you colorful visitors and contributors who both amuse and inspire.
My Christmas prayer for us all is success and happiness. Let's love our families, our Country and the God who, a few centuries back, thought this nation might be fun to put together and guide. Sort of an inspired ant farm. Let's not let the big guy down.

Jerusalem Brawl spotlights Arab-Jewish tensions

Several protesters gathered at the home just before 10 a.m. as the Jews were entering the property. But the violence broke out some two hours later when a verbal spat between the two sides deteriorated into a full-blown brawl.
Israel warns EU over east Jerusalem dispute

The warning came as Jewish settlers in the West Bank confronted government inspectors sent to enforce a ban on new construction on territory Palestinians claim for a future state. No major violence was reported, but the images could boost the efforts of conservative Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to portray himself as amenable to international demands for curtailing settlement construction.
Sweden, the current EU president, is floating an initiative to recognize east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. The Israeli daily Haaretz reported Tuesday that Sweden will seek approval at an EU meeting in Brussels next week.
Life in Jerusalem's city of three faiths

Our first night was a disaster.
We had finally got the keys to our new home. A wiry teenager had wheeled our bed on a handcart through the narrow, carless streets.
But as we turned out the light, Arabic pop music, cheers and whistles blasted in through the window of our new flat as neighbours celebrated a wedding.
And after just a few hours sleep we were jolted awake by the sound of a massive, room-shaking bang.
December 1, 2009
Good-bye Sweet America

The Green Mask Is Being Peeled Away From The CO²mmunists – All Eyes Now On Copenhagen
by Andrew Marcus at Big Government
Now that we are learning prominent leaders of the global warming movement destroyed the data they claim to have used to construct their climate models, and only the most rabid environmental fraud deniers still cling to the authenticity of their “science”, a serious moment of truth is fast approaching.
That moment is Copenhagen, which has always been about much more than so called “man-made global warming”. Copenhagen has always been about striking a “Global New Deal”.
Last month, we compiled and posted extensive evidence of years-long Democratic party coordination with the Party of European Socialists (PES). Click here to see our detailed examination of this special relationship, including then Party Chairman Howard Dean’s full address to the 7th Congress of the PES.
If you do not have the time to examine the detailed account linked above, just take a look at the video below for a quick and horrifying taste of what the global Progressive movement has been cooking up for Copenhagen. It’s a promotional video for the “Global Progressive Forum”, an event created and organized by the PES.
Nickie Goomba details Obama's Afghanistan speech...

It's Bush's fault.
We'll send a few troops to the front to silence the Generals who are demanding even more.
We will tolerate the loss of more American troops while we unsuccessfully beg our "allies" for help.
We will tell our enemies, and the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran and Iraq and Israel, that we are leaving and when. This way they can organize our going away party.
All this will make us safer.
Joe Wilson will be at the speech.
November 30, 2009
Some Swedish mucky-muck is stunned that Switzerland wants to limit the Starbucks-paced building of Minarets

Swedish minister surprised over Swiss referendum banning minarets
Monsters & Critics

'I am a bit surprised and I think it is a bit strange that you decide these things in a referendum,' Billstrom said in Brussels where he was attending a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers.
Voters in Switzerland on Sunday cast ballots in favour of banning minarets.
Sweden is current holder of the rotating presidency of the European Union.
'In Sweden we usually do these things through city planning. These decisions on how tall a building should be and whether it should be built at all is a matter for city planners,' Billstrom added.