
August 21, 2009

Pausing to smile, and then continuing to do so as we fight on

I am heading out this weekend to take Cutter Jr. off to college. I am thinking that, in spite of the enormous expense to get him out of the house, the grocery bill might offset it? Not a chance. I am coming to understand that kids today leave home with more than we did. I mean, I left with a pair of underwear and a Big Chief tablet. Of course, most Texas high school students read Dr. Seuss by torchlight during those days, as well. But I digress ...

Is it just me, or are the Obama Administration tricks du jour to snow the country on health care looking more and more like Garo Yepremian fake field goal? (I am very sad to report -- no vids of Yepremian running or passing.) If you're too young to remember Garo Yepremian and his utter lack of athleticism, well, imagine a slow Danny DeVito fending off a blitz by the Steelers.

Yes, it's true. Pretty much every thing is coming up roses for our side in the current debates in townhalls and Washington. And for the other side ... well, it's coming up defication.

But watch for that fake punt ... Oh, wait, we got that covered ... Check out the following and hang around for the Japanese description of the hit:

In all seriousness, we need to remain vigilant. Obama waits to celebrate his certain victory. In fact, he was until recently celebrating before reaching the finish, somewhat like this:

Don't worry, friends. Smiling doesn't mean we are letting up. No, we pause today to recognize that the fight is on, we are engaged ... and we are taking ground. That's a good thing. Still, our nation remains in peril and the world remains a dangerous place. Twenty-six people were killed voting in Afghanistan yesterday. By comparison, remember how the Iraqi elections went? My view is that the world and our enemies sense the change in leadership at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave..

Recall the recent debate in the comments below about what most Muslims really believe about the West? Look at the welcome the Lockerbie bomber got, in spite of assurances that this would not happen. I guess there was no "moderate" counter-protest or townhall?

Stay strong. The numbers of the evildoers are not important. It's the content of the character of those who oppose them that really matters.

I recently heard Eric Erickson of Redstate talking about how his faith influences how he approaches the serious battles of the day with good cheer. He remarked that we don't know when the victory will come, but we know that it will come. So, we rush again to the fight with a sense of urgency and yet, still smiling.

That, my friends, is exactly how I see it.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck to him! Now you'll have all those burgers to yourself. ;)

Rhod said...

Speaking of "faith", Rev Obama has proposed a partnership with God to Samaritanize our relationship to The State. Helping one another through redistribution.

This man is slipping into madness, or his standard leftist density and incuriosity has left him simply stupid. Or more possibly, he's a stupid madman.

Serious theologians, if there are any left, will certainly be horrified by this displacement of the terms of salvation from the individual to the collective.

Moral struggles have no meaning if your virtue is dispensed by someone other than you. You get no credit in ANY ethical system for doing what is easy or impersonal or coerced.

In addition, the morality of the socialist state doesn't end in mass generosity, it ends in mass greed, in "getting what's coming to you".

Even jihad is about the individual's struggle with the power of the will against the wishes of the Creator. Sadly, it's also about murdering the infidel.

Secularist, too, should be worried about the celestial megalomaniac in the White House. This is very serious business. The screwball is a threat.

Anonymous said...

Mammon, isn't that a gland? No, wait. Thanks for the well wishes. You are okay. I don't care what Nickie says.

Sir Rhod, you certainly have the juices flowing this fine Friday morning. You know that any post by Rhod that begins with "Rev. Obama" is going to be good. It must have been the tackle on the fake punt that fired you up. But enough of that. Your point about the easy religiosity that the secularist Obama slips into when speaking of government's role (as opposed to the individual's) is striking. But there is no contradiction, of course, just like Code Pink was doing their civic duty and grandpa at the townhall is a dangerous mobster.

The media don't seem to notice the naked emperor who owns a car company, a few banks and such is now setting up a church.

"Slipping into madness" ... I keep laughing when I think of that line.

Opus #6 said...

I fully expected Obama to have a Carter-esque effect on our foreign affairs. The world seems to be responding as I thought they would.

Obama is willing to use any argument he thinks will gain him ground politically. If the people want religion, he will "talk religious" to them. He exposes his foolishness more every day, which is why the polls show him more and more in the negative. There is little Hope that he will Change.

So I hope at least the legislators will notice the will of the American People and will vote only after careful consideration of what their constituents wish. Hey, it could happen.

If they don't listen, they will be voted out of office. Acorn can only steal close elections. I don't think these elections will be close at all.

Mike said...

Good luck to Jr. and thanks for the pep-talk (and vids). Have a great trip this weekend!

Wetzy said...

This cookie is crumbling.

JihadGene said...

Obama, like the bicyclist, are wee-wee'd up.

Loved the Japanese commentary! Banzai, MUH-F#@KER!!!