
September 2, 2009

Nickie Goomba Recommends...

There's a blog you really should visit. It called POLITICALLY CONFUSED and its banner states:
"LSD may make people see big pink elephants, but TV is the most makes people see big loving governments."
Please stop by there. You won't be sorry. Leave AdamS a comment. And, thank him for letting me steal the video and post below.

Interesting BBC ad

Advert asks us whether the 'recession' (depression/collapse) will lead to a 'new world order'. And the riot police are helping us, look!

I can't help but point out the propaganda in the video, though it's fairly obvious:

1. The bankers want a free market. This is a total lie; they thrive off restricting trade and consolidating power - their wealth comes not from trading, but creating money and Ponzi schemes (ie criminal fraud, not 'capitalism').

1.1 The free market is bad for you. Again, a total lie; what is bad for you is the current economic system, which is a two-tiered system with the money changing bankers on top and a brutal regulated economy for the serfs below.

2. The police (and thus the state) are putting pressure on the bankers. A complete fraud - the government answers purely to the bankers; any reform that GENUINELY stops Rothschild-Rockefeller greed, theft and corruption doesn't stand a chance.

2.1 The police are on your side. Again this is the complete opposite of reality, where the police fulfill their role as revenue collectors for the state, and increasingly act as thugs towards the people (though the state will betray them and throw them to the wolves just like everyone else).

2.1.1 Police 'powers' (ie their immunity from legal accountability for their actions) are good. I definitely don't think so! But, hey, if you like the prospect of being victimised by this criminal out of control state and its goons, then keep going, cheer for more police powers!

2.1.2 We are all punishing the bankers. This is the Class War phenomenon - historically exploited by leadership intent on driving socialist/Marxist policy. Of course, class solidarity is a total fraud as it always has been, and has always led to enslavement rather than more freedom for either 'working' people, or the 'bourgeoisie'. We think we are having a great victory - without realising the state monster is coming down upon us too. Divide and rule.

3. The brainwashed public are being introduced to terms like 'new world order'. And they will lap it up. Yeah! New world order! Get those evil capitalist bankers (ignoring the obvious fact that the NWO is a product of bankers, it's an authoritarian socialist-fascist world government by bankers, for bankers, of bankers).

If you aren't sure about whether this world government is good, I would recommend you take a close look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It's full of holes and distortions, you have no rights according to the UN, as I wrote in the link above.

All this world government is missing is taxation across the world to really get it convenient, they want to exploit the hyped global warming fraud to impose a global carbon tax. Hmm.


Timeshare Jake said...

Great blog! This stuff scares the hell out of me, and it seems like all the things that I once laughed it seem to be in play today.

Timeshare Jake said...

By the way, I love the LSD statement.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately NOTHING depends on us.

We are all a talking heads!

The only thing I pray for is a greath health so I live long enough to see how all this will end. But before that I'll make sure to have agood bungalo in the mountains.

AdamS said...

I'm honoured...thank you Mr Goomba! :)

Elizabeth said...

I don't think there has been this much propaganda in the news since WWII. I'm glad that I am not the oly person who it pointing this out to people. Fantastic post!

charmel said...

Bravo sei coraggioso, se nella mia città il 50%fosse come te,non esisterebbe il malaffare alimentato dall'ignoranza delle persone,che fanno da tappetini al potere,mi piace come esponi le tue opinioni.Ci vorrebbe gente come te,per non far avanzare il potere che logora gli indifesi.Io da4 anni lotto per avere giustizia solo perchè i miei colleghi mi hanno lasciata sola,è si sono fatti manovrare dai politici per poter lavorare,io attendo giustizia ma nel frattempo per me lavora chi si fa raccomandare dai politici.

Writer X said...

Interesting article. Thx for the link!

Anonymous said...

Bill, this stuff still gives me the willies. The use of slick media techniques is becoming commonplace in political and moral campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Mammon, there may be quite a crowd of folk up at that mountain bungalow. Stock up on lotsa coffee and those little cookies with the jam inside. I love those.

Anonymous said...

AdamS, it's my pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Trish...

Keep up the battle against this stuff. We may only be grassroots and seat-of-our-pants operations, but we have energy and passion. Lose neither!

cbullitt said...

It's the Brits for Christ's sake. I'd have to eat blotter constantly to tolerate their idiocy. Of course when the Muslims take over, I'd have to go to France.

Anonymous said...

Writer X, thanks for taking time to visit the guy's site. I'm glad he's on our side.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, cbull...France. There's a solution! Imagine anybody having to flee to France for protection... Unless, of course, you're an Ayatollah in exile.

Anonymous said...

Caro Charmel, A me è maledizione per avere un punto di vista politico impopolare. I lo incita ad affilare le mie discussioni ed a verificare i miei presupposti.

Sarebbe più facile da accettare il mandato del governo. La mia vita sarebbe più semplice se facessi appena che cosa sono stato detto. Ma, sono stato alzato sui film con John Wayne e libri di Jack London.

L'acquiescenza non è nella mia anima. Posso essere sconfigguto, naturalmente, ma non senza una lotta sanguinante. Non sarò mai il buon soldato. Non sarò mai il funzionario spaventato silenzioso.

Anonymous said...

Do they really think that we believe global warming is ruining the banking systems? Thanks for showing the truth in this matter. It's just another way to try and create a Pangaea-- to tax the world to death! LSD quote is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

VL, the presence of man and all his ills is the cause of all evil. Tax the behaviors and you'll solve the world's problems.

Wetzy said...

I always hear that the BBC is the best news source. Never mind.

Kid said...

Y'all heard of High Frequency Trading?

Hey, Can I put my money sucking - er I mean, Trading Computer a foot or so away from the Stock Exchange Computers, so it can skim money off the top just for me, every minute of every day that the market is open?

Gee ! Thanks !

Appreciate it !

Anonymous said...

Why not. I have my iMac next to the refrigerator and it's gained two pounds just this week.

Barking Spider said...

How typical of the BBC, now Labour's official propaganda machine!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean NOW? Are you old enough to recall those painful Question Time shows in the '80s with the ugly attacks on Thatcher and her dwarfs. The BBC suddenly developed a yearning for civility when Labour returned.

Hogdayafternoon said...

Its a crying shame. The BBC makes such good nature programmes too. Wait a minute, wasn't that David Attenborough peering through the smoke?
PS. I haven't had swine flu either.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Aileen. It's nice to know that you visit.

Anonymous said...

HogMan... Get the vaccine. New flus are being used to scare folks everyday. We're doomed!!