
December 27, 2009

Once upon a time there was a place where heroes learned to be heroes


TS/WS said...

Hard fought competition between equal, or some with nearly the same abilities. Teaches more respect and compassion for challenges. For a position on a team and or a win in a solo player sport. Golf, Tennis, or Racquetball, to name a few.
Respect is what I hear is lacking from the younger crowd.

Isabel Martínez Barquero said...

Magnífico artículo. Los niños de hoy son los hombres de mañana. Es necesario hacerlos fuertes y educarlos bajo los dictados de la ética.
Un saludo.

Anonymous said...


There is even something to be said for toiling through a year or so with a dramatically uncompetitive team. Builds character and all that, don't you know.

Anonymous said...

Isabel ... Nunca tendremos buenos hombres fuertes si no fomentar buenos muchachos fuertes. Los niños deben ser capaces de competir y resolver problemas.

Opus #6 said...

As a mother of 5 boys, I have long felt that they are expected to act too feminine at school. Sitting for long hours at a desk and coloring do not come naturally to many boys.

Whatever happened to the days of learning to shoot arrows from horseback.

sig94 said...

Having five females in the house (wife and four daughters) with four of them ovulating all at the same time challenged me in ways I still cannot understand. Other than the crying jags when my breasts got bigger that is.

I see how my oldest daughter and her husband are guiding my grandson who is nine. He is intensely competitive and they channel it in ways that help him realize his potential and still develop self discipline. He is such a wonderful boy and I am very proud of him.

But I hear stories about his friends and classmates and I want to weep. The parents are such a mess! Sports and after school activities are nothing compared to a stable, loving family. We joke about Fathers' Day cards addressed "To Whom It May Concern" but look at some of our most successful athletes and the mess they make of their lives. Mentoring from a coach or a succession of like minded men is a poor substitute for a life long relationship with your Dad.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Outcome based whimps is the goal of the PC crowd. A lot of Obama voters fit this mold. They voted for the black man for that touchy-feely warmth inside.

Snarky Basterd said...

It's the age of girly men, Nickie. But not for my boy ... he already wants to win, passionately, at anything he tries to do.

That's my boy!

Anonymous said...

Right on target!

Anonymous said...

It seems that all American males are now expected to be women to be accepted. In the same way Republicans are expected to be Democrats to be considered normal.

Anonymous said...

Opie, I'm beginning to long for the days when children were working in coal mines.

Anonymous said...

Sig, the role of Dad certainly has been discounted here in Oprah's America. We are certainly paying the price.

Anonymous said...

Woody, I am as sensitive a man as you're ever gonna meet, but I just can't weep and wail for fairness in an unfair world. I'll leave that to college sophomores.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet he's one beautiful snarky kid, you Snarky Basterd.

Anonymous said...

Only the truest truthful truth here at GNN, you Old Geezer.

Anonymous said...

Zio, the answer is for ObamaCare to provide lobotomies to Red States.

Rhod said...

Fear and anxiety precedes ideology for progs. They're terrified of masculinity, especially the males.

I disagree on sports, though. Athletics doesn't build character, it reveals it. Some of the worst life lessons were taught on the playing fields of my CT town, with the view that performance is to virtuous. It isn't Temperament is what matters, on and off the field.

We have three sons, all active in school sports and Scouts, all current or former military, all combat vets, none of them violent by nature. Sometimes I don't know why they turned out the way they did. I know this. It helps to insist upon the opposite of whatever the school system endorses, You'll never go wrong.

Teresa said...

You hit the nail on the head!!!

Men today are not growing up to be mature men nowadays. It seems as though they are either growing up to be a bunch of pussies, perverts preying on our kids, or bullies that think they freakin know it all.

Competition in sports helps to enstill a sense of discipline and responsibility in the individual.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, it's just like the Waxman rule. Anything he's for, I'm against.

Jerilyn said...

I feel that competition healthy for ALL children, boys and girls both.

Anonymous said...

Terri, I share Rhod's view of sports. And the everybody-gets-a-trophy thing saddens me no end. My son once played in a mixed-gender soccer league and was warned not to kick the ball too hard or he'd be removed from the game. Good-bye sweet America.

Kid said...

I couldn't agree more.

The women (mostly) have been given too much power and are turning the country into a giant day care center. They're halfway there.

Anónimo said...

"They're taking the testing ground to learn to be strong men. Our competitors in the global business and terrorist enemies are licking their chops."

I think in large measure, this need to compete begins at home. Depending on which one parent has the child has a behavior as you say to start with some examples. If we can see a crisis is to muster the forces better now than it later because it will be late.

Many greetings.

LL said...

You can kill the man inside the boy. Our society revels in it and rejoices when we turn out prissy metrosexual men with no real understanding of the rites of passage that boys have to endure to become men. Many of these seem to gravitate to politics (Barack Hussein Obama being but one example).

Athletics, competition, self-sufficient skill sets that allow men to be fathers, roll models and protectors for their wives and children are things that the liberals are trying to train out of young men - to their detriment.

It really don't make sense.

Kid said...

Teresa, Glad to hear it. If the libs, along with the protect at any cost people, have their way we will be dinosaurs in no time

Kid said...

In the same vein, I see a LOT of those "coexist" bumper stickers. The ones with the cute symbols for most of the letters.

Every time I do I get the impression I'm reading the mind of the person that slapped it on, and that mind is saying "Can't we all just get along?"

Like the Islam obsession with global sharia law is due to some 'mis-understanding', or just some friction between cultures...

Anonymous said...

Jerilyn... Unfortunately, that same competition found its way into each of my nine marriages.

Anonymous said...

Terri, I must admit that there's something about your comments that arouses something in me.

Anonymous said...

Catalina, there are so many divorces and so many boys and girls being raised without a strong male role model. I agree that now is the time to address this issue. I just don't know how.

Anonymous said...

"...protectors for their wives and children"

LL, in some circles those are fighting words.

Anonymous said...

Kid... To me, Coexist means Cease to Exist.

TS/WS said...

Sure it makes sense. In other parts of the world children are being trained to be brutal combatants.
And the infiltrated enemies in our country are training our children to be submissive; i.e. Riddeline, prozac, lithium, and philosophical programing-no winners-no trophies, metrosexuals, transsexuals, gays, noncombatant-tolerable of anything goes, intolerable of strong opinionated conservatives, self confident, NO MORE-THE DUKE (John Wyane)Males, etc...

Anonymous said...

TSWS... Well said. We are probably unable to match the ferocity of our neighbors unless they want to wage a war on the Wii platform.

Libertarian Advocate said...

When I was young I was taught that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Nowadays kids seem to be brought up along the lines of "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will totally destroy me."

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