
January 6, 2010

"Come and get me, Napolitano!"

GNN - Known Egyptian chicken-bomber Abu Nisharraf, was snapped by paparazzi before boarding a taxi outside Kennedy International Airport. He evaded security checks in Cairo, and apparently breezed through TSA checkpoints after landing in New York. He is believed to be in Manhattan with Semtex-filled chickens. President Obama described Nisharraf's presence in the US as "...another screw-up, but we have to be careful not to profile..." Federal authorities in New York have been alerted.

UPDATE: Robert Gibbs, answering questions about the TSA's failure to identify Nisharraff said "...there's no smoking chicken here..."


LL said...

Heaven forbid that we should profile. My eighty year old mother was "random stopped", strip searched (metal joint) and submitted to a ten minute interrogation flying from Ontario, California to Redding, California.

I'm sure ten people in hajab boarded the airplane unmolested.

It only makes sense to TSA and idiots, but I repeat myself.

Spinsterpov said...

And I'm sure that out of the random sample of people none of them look Arab. We don't want to offend after all.

Shortly after 9/11 I flew one way to New York. I had a one way ticket there and a one way ticket back because that was the only way I could the flight I wanted. My checked baggage was searched before I went through security. I was flagged for additional security going through, and I was pulled out for a random check during bording. None of this bothered me because, with my one way ticket, it made sense. But we aren't checking the people that it makes sense to check anymore. Political correctness has no place in national security.

Rhod said...

LL, of my sons, travelling in uniform a couple years ago, made it through Raleigh-Durham, to Bradley and back to R-D with bottle rockets (he forgot)in his back pack.

TSA is a bad, awful joke.

sig94 said...

Top of the mosque Ma!
Top of the mosque!

I saw that pic and couldn't resist... I love James Cagney.

Anónimo said...

What irony! A chicken? A simple chicken terrorist who left a federal disorder.

Even the president had to talk ... too much! =)


Rhod said...

Sig, try a grapefruit in someone's face.

Rhod said...

Catalina, stay away from the family buckets of popcorn chicken.

hymns that preach said...

Napolitano is mispelled in your title. I don't mean to be critical; I just thought you might want to correct it so your site will come up in google searches.

Rhod said...

Ralph, thanks. I must be tired.

Susannah said...

"...but we have to be careful not to profile!!!!!!!"

What planet does this guy LIVE ON??

LL said...

I traveled armed (lawfully). They knew this because I declared the firearm and ID'd myself. Ten paces later, I was stopped in a random screening and was told that I needed to be searched. I produced creds - "traveling armed". They said, "We still need to search you." I replied that if a .45 with 3 stacked magazines (50 rounds) wasn't enough...."

Yes, I was searched by TSA never the less. They found no additional firearms.

I asked if they were satisfied. They informed me that it was a random search designed to catch terrorists. Since I was allowed to board the aircraft, I presume they determined that I was not a terrorist.

Strange humans wear TSA uniforms.

Seriously, that actually happened.

Anonymous said...

In a way, you could say that the system worked.

Anonymous said...

Ralph... Rhod is usually an exemplary speller. Unfortunately, his hideaway in rural New England prevents even casual interaction with folk and, amazingly, he's never actually met an Italian. Therefore, the complexities of the language escape him.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before... The TSA seems to be a less friendly and less efficient version of the Post Office. With turbans.

Timeshare Jake said...

Breaking news: 10,000 Americans killed by exploding chicken. Obama points to failures of the previous eight years of Bush policies for the lapse in security while continuing to claim profiling is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

Cheney's anti-poultry sentiments are to blame. He energized them.

T. F. Stern said...

It's been a long day, thanks for getting me to crack a smile.

Unknown said...

I think I know that guy from high school?

Rhod said...

Hey, I spelled paparazzi right!

Yeah, this has a lot to do with Bush and Cheney, and their relationship in Skull and Bones with The Colonel.

As for profiling, dozens of people wearing turbans disembark and pass through a TSA checkpoint every day with chickens.

LL, next time hang chicken bones around your neck. You'll breeze right through.

Rhod said...

Nick, In the Tri-State area there are only three males who don't have a Dom, Tony or Frankie in the immediate family.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

No smoking chicken ? What we need is a smoking Gibbs !

Anonymous said...

Smoked chicken? Hmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmm!!