
June 24, 2010

Crazy, Man...

Hello Readers! I've been on sick leave from GNN for longer than I've worked here. Goomba has ordered me back to my desk under threat of revoking my discount at his Railroad Salvage Store in Woonsocket. Every man has a price, so I'm back.

Nothing has changed here. Teresa and Opie are still tugging on the hems of their miniskirts and talking about boys. LL is adjusting his sights, Odie is sharpening something, Jihad Gene's pants are neatly folded on his desk and DC is buried in seed catalogues.

Goomba is still air-drumming to "Itchycoo Park" ("the best dang song ever written"), which he plays over and over on his cassette player. Everyone else is upstairs on the first floor drinking up Goomba's old supplies of free Postum.

I have a neurological disease, which is why I've been absent. It's made some things impossible and a lot of things difficult. QWERTY typing is hard, and, sometimes, so are movement and cognition. There's not much movement and cognition at GNN, so my stock has actually risen here, but every silver lining has a touch of gray (Jerry Garcia). My touch of gray is medications, which swizzle the subjective and the objective together into a muddy, depersonalized unreality. Imagine that you're in a noisy, over-lit bar, at a Christmas party with people you detest. You've had three drinks in 20 minutes and you go somewhere in your head, even though your body is at the party enjoying itself. That's what it's like for me all the time.

Goomba has appointed me Arts & Entertainment reporter. I can't say who got bumped from this position, but he spent too many hours in a place called The Sun Art Theater in Texas. My first assignment is to do a feature on the video technology that makes a movie like "Shrek" possible, or enables Ellen Degeneres to do a commercial for Cover Girl beauty products. I'm not sure if they're the same technique, and Goomba seems more interested in understanding video embalming (Degeneres) than motion capture ("Shrek"), probably the first reason - as I suspect - is because he secretly thinks "Shrek" is real. I don't want to tell the big, loveable child the truth.

Second, what Goomba wants to know is whether the hair-spray-on-the-camera lens that made Doris Day look 18 when she was 96, is like what they did for Degeneres, and do for him in the big-screen bio-epic he plans for himself. I don't think this is what Nick wants. He showed me Ellen's commercial. They dialed the technology up to eleven for her face and the results make the scrubbed, featureless, red-lipped tart in Progressive commercials look as real as Helen Thomas, by comparison.

Ellen's face looks like a white pie shell with yellow fringe. Four other vague features must represent eyes and nose, and that rippling pink gash must be a lipsticked mouth. It tracks with Degeneres's praise for the powers of Cover Girl. And powerful stuff it is, that's the message if you want to look like Ellen Degeneres looking like The Man Who Fell to Earth.

At any rate, I don't know how they do it or why. Has someone really powerful decided that TV facsimiles of humans will prepare us for the eventual transition to full computer simulation of news, entertainment and advertising entities? Maybe one day Obama will be tele-cast looking like Little Richard; in that case you'll know who to blame. This might be a good time to go crazy after all. I'll get back to you.


Anonymous said...

Didn't someone place a strict moratorium on Ellen Degeneres stories about a year ago? I remember the woman as having some hypnotic oojie-goojie spell on Rhod.

Anonymous said...

Mio Zio... It's called a fetish.

I specifically assigned Rhod to research the "Shrek Effect" for an expose that is sure to blow the top off the whole 3D/CG/BS industry. Instead, this turns into yet another lustfest focussed upon the looks, future and marketability of Ms. Degeneres.

I apologize to all GNN readers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wetzy said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Not another Ellen Degeneres story. Tell Rhod she's a lesbian. It ain't going to happen.

WoFat said...

Woonsocket? Really?

Anonymous said...

And it isn't "Itchycoo Park". Richard Harris' MacArthur Park is, in fact, the greatest song ever written.

"There will be another song for me
For I will sing it

There will be another dream for me
Someone will bring it

I will drink the wine while it is warm

And never let you catch me looking at the sun

And after all the loves of my life

After all the loves of my life

You'll still be the one."

Excuse me. I'm getting a little kerflumpt.

Rhod said...

Zio, in my state, her face looks like a lemon merangue pie, my favorite.

Someone left that song out in the rain, too, Nico.

Wetzy,unless you missed it, I also mentioned Little Richard and, in a way, David Bowie. Are they lesbians? Well, are they?

Rhod said...

WoFat. This is where we make a joke about Woonsocket being sui degeneres.

Kid said...

We may never have this recipe again folks..

Rhod, I can only assume the Communists were able to defile and impurify all of your precious bodily fluids.

But seriously, I'll keep a good thought for you.

Rhod said...

Thank you, Kid. For that I won't tell anyone how many hours you spent at The Sun Art Theater.

Anonymous said...

Rhod... As naive pubescent laborers in 1961, DC and I, flashlights-in-hand, trod the aisles of the Sun Art Theater. Four shows a day and seven on Saturdays.

Those were certainly our salad days. DC learned his political science backstage at the knee of one Lily St. Cyr.

I plotted to assemble the skill set required to inherit the crown of my Uncle Billy Minsky. Alas, mini-skirts and the sexual revolution were on the horizon, and my dream of a diamond stickpin and beaver skin bowler collapsed faster than a kilo of damp chicharróns.

Opus #6 said...

Rhod, If there is anything I can do to help you, just let me know.

Ah, Degeneres. I will always love the role she played as Dory in Finding Nemo. "Ess-ka-pe, hey, that's spelled just like escape!"

Rhod said...

Opie, you're a sweetie. Just don't let DC and Nick put your Go-Go boots and sunburst pattern poncho on me when I can't fight back. I overheard them talking about that, or maybe it was just the voices again. I'm not sure.

Good Lord. There he goes again about Lily St Cyr and Minsky and his Monopoly Man image. In that usher uniform he looked like Hell's bellboy. He and DC got fired for holding their flashlights under their chins and making monster faces at a Saturday matinee for retired nuns. Disgraceful.

I never got over it.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Rhod, I'm sharpening my "skills". That's not a cassette player Nickie has, that's an 8-track.

As for being the new "Arts & Entertainment" reporter, You spotted something with Degeneres I just couldn't put into words when I saw it. The closest I could come was "butt ugly".

Welcome back Rhod!

LL said...

You did a lot with Ellen, I'll grant you that.

Let's see what you can do with Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)!

Anonymous said...

The Man Who Fell to Earth?!! Leave it to our Art Critic to produce another obscure 70's reference. That is priceless.

Dagnabbit, Rhod, what a great surprise to hear from you on a Friday. Take care of yourself.

It is good to see that your eyes have not gone bad ... or is it from memory that you describe the comedy/horror flick that is E. DeG in some sort of beauty commercial. Methinks that the leftists on Madison Ave. are blinded by politics ... but down here on the prairie, we can still see.

I don't know who said it, but there's a reason why her best film is the one that she only spoke in ... and was not seen. I'm just sayin'. That is one woman that is meant to be heard and not seen.

If she shows up in your birthday cake, man ... keep a lid on it.

Okay ... I tip my cover to you, Rhod. And you have all my well wishes and prayers. In all seriousness, it is great to hear from you. You have made my day.

Anonymous said...

You know, if there is a more unique, strange, wonderful, witty place on the world wide interwebs, I don't know of it ...

I mean, readers here are required to have some of all of the following at the ready: a thesaurus, an encyclopedia (and not some cheapy like that Wikopedia stuff), Depends, a 1970's film guide, a full diaper (esp. lefties), "Tex-Bonics" translator, Kleenex, KC and the Sunshine Band Lyrics (for Nickie Philosophy references), DVD of "Logan's Run" ... to understand Rhod's idea of a true hero, and a 417-volume History of the World, just to have a freaking clue of what these old farts are saying.

For the love of God and all things decent, man!!!

Damn, what a site ...

Thank your lucky stars for Goomba and that old "crazed sex poodle."

Anonymous said...

DC... I'm getting a bit weary of you damning me with faint praise. Et tu, Brute.

As for Rhod, the guy honors us all with his presence. If people ever knew his true identity, the MSM would be flooding to this site like Peggy West elbows her way into a Chevy's Mundo Fajitas Platter.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Miller would love this blog.

Rhod said...

Odie, it looked like a Harley chain to me. Did you mean "skulls" or "skills" Your skills are already honed to an impossible edge, because there's a lot of Will Rogers in "butt ugly". By the way, look again. It's a reel to reel.

LL, I don't normally dabble in the supernatural. Pelosi might be beyond me. She's responsible for idiot hyperinflation in America and she built a really bad neighborhood of lunatics and criminals in The House. But iniquity is hard to parody and impossible to laugh at.

Look at Alcee Hastings. You have to wipe your feet AFTER you've been in his quarters. Pelosi is several magnitudes worse than he is. She's one of the currents of disintegration flowing around America. A good winter read is "The Twelve Caesars". Pelosi and her kind are in it.

DC, cultural carrion, you mean? You've gotta be judicious with this stuff, and especially avoid it around your kids. Once long ago, my parents burst into this song on a road trip..."Barney Google!! And His Goo-Goo-Googely Eyes!" I almost needed a counseling session with Doctor Colt.

You can detonate a few like that at this blog, and not hurt anyone.
References to the 1970's is really tricky, like sharing your experiences with venereal diseases. Nick somehow gets away with it, but I never do.

Thank you sincerely for your wishes.

Anonymous said...

Love Dennis Miller. Very interesting guy, and, many may not know this ... he's one of the best interviewers out there.

St. Nick, it's faint ... kinda like you get when thinking about some "young" 55-year-old pawing at you.

I love you, man.

Viva, St. Nicholas!!!!

Long live Sir Rhoderick!!

Anonymous said...

On behalf of all butts, I demand an apology.

Rhod said...

Peggy West sweats stupid.

Teresa said...

Oh Wetzy come on, ya know Ellen is Bi and that she can go either way depending on who she feels like choosing LOL. Rhod may just have a chance.

Dennis Miller is a pretty cool guy.

WE need to transport Pelosi into the role of the Wicked Witch of the West and then she would be melted by now, and we wouldn't have to worry about her shenanigans anymore.