
October 11, 2010

Surprise, Surprise! Military Ballots Not Going Out

Democrats sink to a new low.


Robert Fleming said...

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

New low? They always do this crap. They know how the military votes.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

This sounds par for the course to me Nickie.

sig94 said...

The Dems bring the ACORN imposters to the polls by the thousands and try to keep America's bravest out. There is a special basement in Hell for the Dems.

Michael said...

Here in Nevada our Attorney General (D) has also refused to mail out the ballots to our Nat'l Guard troops in Afghanistan. He will be voted out in three weeks. I can't wait until the New Majority takes control and has subpoena power to investigate all of these Federal and State decisions - not to send out the ballots.