‘Don’t offend offenders...’
CRIMINALS should no longer be termed “offenders” because the term is insulting and demeaning, a leading justice campaigner said yesterday.
Frances Crook, head of the Howard League for Penal Reform, has suggested that someone who commits an offence is not an offender, but “someone who has done something”.
Frances Crook. Hmmm maybe he should change his name to something befitting of his intelligence.
Frances Braindeadtwerp, sounds about right...
I hear this convoluted BS so many times. The first step to a successful return to society is addressing what sent your criminal ass away in the first place. Here they want us to call them ex-offenders, or "previously incarcerated persons." I call them what they are - parolees.
There are those who do need assistance and I do not mond giving them that is they really are motivated to be productive citizens.
Most of this is predicated by the $42,000 cost per inmate to lock them up in the state corrections systems. They want to release these guys asap befroe the state runs out of money. The correctional unions got a dog in this fight also.
They have more F***ing PC problems than we do.
Maybe they should call crime a "domestic contingency" the way we call terrorism a "foreign contingency". LL would love that.
LA... The impression many tend to get is a nation full of soft-heads like this.
Sig, I agree. This point of view has weight because of the "industries" based upon it.
Odie... We're catching up quickly.
... Colin Gunn, who is serving a life sentence for murder, has won the right to force prison officers to address him as “Mister”.
I kept looking for the GNN byline. Good grief. That makes me laugh, it is so absurd. "People who have done something?" What? Made a dinosaur out of Play-Doh? Or mugged an old lady.
As for the Mister Dude, I would call him Mr. Defication and then see where that one goes. I will take the case. Where is my white wig?
Done something? Of course, they would not be in there if they hadn't done something that offended society.
He, wait a minute. Is that why they are called offenders.
I do something all the time-it doesn't offend anybody, except around the blog0sphere, not society as a whole. But of course The U.N. is moving in on us fast. Kicking around the idea- that if someone talks negative about climate change; will be a crime.
HM Prison Services is one of the last bastions of unPC in Britain; while working within the law prison Officers and regimes can act pretty well how they wish to usually by the subtle allowance or removal of privileges.
Prisoners have three Rights; to use the library, to practise their religion (I forget the third) + their newly won right to vote (FFS! ta EU). Everything else is a Privelege from smoking to the gym, to visits and watching TV, granted or denied at will by Prison staff, not outsiders.
Francis Crook speaks only for a fake charity and I expect that Conservative MP Patrick Mercer (ex Army officer) has been misquoted in that article; what he would have said is that once a prisoner leaves gaol he is an X-Offender.
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