
November 6, 2011

Because You'd Squeal, Dummies!

U.S. officials are concerned that Israel will not warn them before taking military action against Iran's nuclear facilities, a senior U.S. military official said Friday.

The official, who asked to remain anonymous, told the CNN network that although in the past, U.S. officials thought they would receive warning from Israel if it did take military action against Iran, "now that doesn't seem so ironclad."

Israel shouldn't say a word because the Obama administration can not be trusted to keep their mouths shut. Iran would have the word within five minutes or less. If Israel is smart, she'll give Obama bogus info and use the US to mess with the Iranian's defense plans ... if she hasn't had the sense to be doing that already.

Yeah, right. Mum's the word.


Gorges Smythe said...

You got THAT right! The proper notification should be, "Oh, by the way, we nuked all the muslim countries off the map yesterday. Let us know if you'd like to discuss it." Hey, I'm serious!

WoFat said...

Gorges is 100% correct.

hymns that preach said...

Shoot first; ask questions later!

Fredd said...


Of course Israel is feeding Obama misleading info. That is on old page out of an old playbook in the intelligence field: once you determine that a consumer of intel uses (or abuses, as the case is with Obama) that information, then manipulation of the intel provided to the consumer to the benefit of the source is a no-brainer.

It's done all the time.

Nate said...

Personally, I think Israel should follow Ronald Reagan's lead on this.

(replace 'Russia' with 'Iran', of course)

Subvet said...

Gorges hit the nail right on the head. Tell 'em after the fact, whada they gonna do, throw a hissy fit?

sig94 said...

Gorges - Exactimondo. Better yet, let the US know when our nuclear explosion detecting satellites go bonkers as they fly over the Middle East.

sig94 said...

WoFat - we can only hope.

sig94 said...

Ralph - As the old expression goes: 'tis better to be judged by twelve of your peers than carried by six of your friends.

sig94 said...

Fredd - you are usuallly correct in your assesments. If so, then the foreign policy decisions of Obama's administration must be off the charts. These idiots will never know what hit them and how they were used.

sig94 said...

Subvet - with these clowns who knows? With Michelle leading him around by the nose, he'll probably be throwing Twinkies.

Kid said...

Man, I can just see Joe "Bozo" Biden going on the news "Well, Israel is going to blow up Iran's nuke sites tomorrow, and ....."


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

The One can't be trusted with anything.

sig94 said...

Kid - Biden might even preface his remarks with a "Now this is a big f'ing deal!"

sig94 said...

Odie - sure he can. He can be trusted to screw up a wet dream.