
March 12, 2012

Planned Parenthood Gone Wild

A Planned Parenthood affiliate in Texas knowingly sent in about $6 million in false claims to Medicaid and took steps to cover up its acts, says a federal “whistleblower” lawsuit that was unsealed Friday.

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast submitted more than 87,000 reimbursement claims for services that were “false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible,” said the lawsuit filed by Abby K. Johnson on behalf of the United States and the state of Texas in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas in Houston.

Ms. Johnson is a former director of one of the clinics and had “system-wide” access to patient records and billing activities for about two years.

Ms. Johnson, who became a pro-life activist after viewing an ultrasound and has converted to Catholicism, said Friday she filed the lawsuit under the federal False Claims Act in 2009 “to simply expose Planned Parenthood and expose their corruption, and expose what they are doing with American tax dollars.”


Kid said...

It's the whole government Sig, especially this administration. They're stealing money faster than is humanly possible.

Kid said...

Add the banks who are into us for a 30 trillion dollar Do Over, and that was of a couple years ago.

Opus #6 said...

Is it any wonder that the murderers of so many babies, maimers of so many women....

also steal and defraud?

sig94 said...

Kid - and that's only a handful of clinics in a single state. How much fraud exists throughout the entire corrupt system for all service providers?

sig94 said...

Opus - no it isn't. What's mere theft compared to slaughter?

Andy said...

Three words: Defund, Investigate & Indict

USA_Admiral said...

So much money, so much evil and evil intent.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Murderers ... and thieves?

Dylan John Callahan said...

They've got to make money somewhere since Santorum left...

sig94 said...

Andy - one word, "Hanged."

Oops, I forgot, that's gotta be "Hunged."

sig94 said...

Admiral - Yessir! Whenever there's hundreds of millions of dollars just for the taking with little or no accountability you can bet your bonnet that there'll be more than a few that are going to scam the system for all it's worth.

sig94 said...

Odie - The only offense left out is claim jumping.

Undergroundpewster said...

The most horrible thing is that they violated state law and would not refer a soul to non-abortion providers. Only to the clinics they controlled. A violation of Federal self referal laws as well as a terrible moral wrong, steering the unborn to the death camps.