
August 15, 2014

IRS Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Judge

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to today’s order from Judge Emmet G. Sullivan regarding the recently “lost” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials, which were the subject of longstanding Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)):
In an extraordinary step, U. S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan has launched an independent inquiry into the issue of the missing emails associated with former IRS official Lois Lerner. 

Previously, Judge Sullivan ordered the IRS to produce sworn declarations about the IRS email issue by August 11. Today’s order confirms Judicial Watch’s read of this week’s IRS’ filings that treated as a joke Judge Sullivan’s order. 

Judge Sullivan, in his earlier ruling, appointed Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola to manage and assist in discussions between Judicial Watch and the IRS about how to obtain any missing records from other sources. Magistrate Facciola is an expert in e-discovery, and authorized Judicial Watch to submit a request for limited discovery into the missing IRS records after September 10.


Euripides said...

The judicial process is slow and cumbersome by design. I expect the truth behind the IRS and its amazing disappearing emails to be known in another ten years or so. By then Americans won't care a whit and will be enslaved by a government that owns our lives.

Doom said...

And may they be crushed like the parasitic bug they have become. My money, however, is not on the law and order side of this. The snake has been loosed and the putzes on the bench haven't a chance against it. To start, 10 to 1, the judge actually believes he and his can actually catch people who have had enough to create a whole bureau of snakes through assistance from that bureau. They don't have a chance. And that is assuming they aren't a part of it.

WoFat said...

Working on the chain gang . . .

Kid said...

Burn these POSs. Come On, someone get a score on these POSs, they've been operating like al capone for 5+ years, doing crime every stinking day.

sig94 said...

Euripides - the criminal justice system is designed to be very slow; of course that keeps us frustrated but it does help keep innocent people out of trouble. Not all of them, but most.

sig94 said...

Doom - I can only pray that the judge fores these cockroaches out in the open. Then if we let them get away with it it's our fault.

sig94 said...

WoFat - was that a vision?

sig94 said...

Kid - yep. I'm going through some IRS problems right now with my tax return. I am so tempted to tell them to f off and answer the subpoenas.