
September 30, 2015

Impartial And Stupid

I no longer watch TV shows, stopped years - no - decades ago. They're mostly written by idiots for idiots. They're not funny, informative or inspirational. In particular I don't watch police shows. I hate to see piss poor procedures passed off as bravery and I am appalled by the lack of judgement and display of uncontrolled emotion. Just do your job and shut up; if it bothers you that much, get a low stress job corralling shopping carts.

But what is really getting out of hand is the number of idiots who think that what they see on television is the way things are done. It has impacted the criminal justice system in ways that I never thought possible. I was a NYS certified evidence technician for almost seven years and worked in a crime lab for a spell. I have investigated and documented just about every kind of crime imaginable with concomitant court appearances. What you see on programs like CSI is entertainment, not reality, but some people just don't get it.

From the NY Post:
The suspect was caught two blocks from the scene. The gun was inside his backpack. Multiple witnesses identified the shooter who tried to kill a man on a Brooklyn street.

It was an open and shut case — until it got to the jury.

“We caught the guy dead to rights, and the jury said, ‘Why didn’t you guys do DNA?’ ” recalled the former assistant district attorney who handled the case.

That testing for DNA is rare, time-consuming and expensive, particularly in such a straightforward investigation, didn’t register with those sitting in judgement. The man was acquitted of attempted murder, and even gun possession.

“It’s not a whodunit. We caught him with the gun, with the same outfit. Multiple witnesses said, ‘That’s him,’ ” the frustrated attorney said. “Everybody expects there should be DNA on everything. Everybody expects that we have this super lab somewhere that does all this stuff.”
It's not that we don't use DNA analysis, we do. We solve cases that are decades old using this wonderful technology. But it is used when necessary to strengthen a case as needed, not as a standard operating procedure for every case.
“Jurors know more about the types of testing that in theory, can be done, but they certainly don’t know when it’s appropriate to use those types of tests,” said former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Jordan Arnold, now of the investigative firm K2 Intelligence.

“Has it taken us from this place where jurors expect more than proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and instead, demand proof beyond any doubt?”
We just had a case last week where the jury ignored the defendant's admission of guilt in a gun case because of some ill-conceived notion. The ADA was beside himself. He tried to interview the jury afterwards but they literally ran out of the courthouse to avoid being confronted for their decision to acquit.

And you'd better believe that defense attorneys are very much aware of this situation and in some cases counseling their clients to go to trial because of it.


September 28, 2015

Saudi Stampede Presents Clean Up Challenge

Almost 800 pilgrims were killed during a Muslim stampede on The Hajji Trail in Meccatown. Those varmints spook real easy and no one is sure if it were lightning or coyotes that started the whole shebang. Nosirree, them pilgrims - about two million of 'em - just went hog wild a-whoopin' and a-hollarin'. Such goings on, quite the mess.

Leastways once the herd settled down the Saudi ranch hands knew how to round up those strays and set everything straight in a hurry. And you best believe that Caterpillar sold them nothing but halal pay loaders for such occasions.

Nothing works like a Cat and nothing beats the Caterpillar Corporation motto:

"Earthmoving solutions for today's challenges."

Ticket To Ride

Awesome K-9

There's no way I can ever be as cool as this dog.
Terminator Terrier: "I'll be bark."

September 26, 2015


Not for nothin' but this guy's voice is like a cat screaming while getting assaulted by a kerosene-soaked corncob.

September 25, 2015

Fastidious Horses

Koba's Entrance from the movie "Warrior"

My youngest daughter called this "terrifying Russian music" when we watched the movie last night
Koba's entrance theme music is actually a real thing; it is called Fastidious Horses, written and sung by some Russian guy.

September 23, 2015

Oh, To Be A Fly On The Wall

Lucianne's face page for today will give Hillary another stroke.   

Exclusive: Hillary Aides Talked Benghazi with Clinton Foundation Staff, Withheld Emails
If this doesn't do it, what will?

Report: FBI Finds Hillary Clinton´s Deleted Emails on Her Server
"You mean like with a cloth or something?"

Hillary is dealing with mounting health issues, new book claims
Real or imagined, the perfect out presents itself.

Clinton Foundation on Charity Navigator’s ‘watch list’
Watchdog organization warns potential check writers to think twice before donating.

Seriously, this is now a train wreck reality show, "Keeping Up With The Clintons."

Peace Of Mind

September 22, 2015

I Guess It Means ... You Stink

Scientists with waay too much time on their hands and waay too little grant money have allegedly discovered a new forensic technique to identify people. And of course submit new grant research applications.
Every human on earth has a cloud of germs surrounding them at all times - and it is almost as distinct to that person as a fingerprint.

The "microbial cloud" contains millions of bugs that are put out from various pores and points in our bodies.

According to experts, the cloud hangs around a person's body at all times and each individual cloud has a signature that could be read by carrying out genetic analysis of the bacteria.

Scientists were able to identify individuals from a group of volunteers just by sampling germs from the air around them.

The noxious nimbus consists of combinations of microbes emitted from our bodies that vary from person to person.

More here.

All Along The Watchtower

September 20, 2015

Two Can Play At This Game

Putin is building an airbase in Belarus? Let's build one in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin has backed plans to establish a Russian military air base in neighbouring Belarus in a move that will unnerve Poland and the Baltic nations.

Belarus has made clear it would not welcome a Russian base, but the former Soviet republic remains dependent on Moscow for credit and energy.

The Russian President ordered his Defence Ministry to hold talks with their Belarusian counterparts and sign the agreement.
Make that two, build two bases in Ukraine.  And a couple Walmarts.
Story here.

Saving Taxpayer $$$

The families of these men should receive a plaque from the taxpayers of  Indiana and Florida - or perhaps a free order of fries will do.

Fare thee well Marvin, happy landings, etc., etc.
An Indianapolis gymnastics coach who trained two members of the 2008 U.S. women's Olympics team was found dead of an apparent suicide in his jail cell, where he was being held on charges of child pornography and molestation, authorities said Sunday.

Marvin Sharp, 49, was found unresponsive at 8:17 p.m. Saturday in his cell at the Marion County Jail, sheriff's spokeswoman Katie Carlson said in a statement. She said foul play isn't suspected, but that she couldn't provide further information.
Likewise a hearty thank you and bon voyage to Mr. Bodden.
A Florida man accused of murdering his two university roommates after they asked him to move out, has hanged himself in jail.

York Zed Bodden, 27, was found dead in his Miami prison cell shortly after his arrest on Friday over the triple shooting.


September 19, 2015

Trump's Position On 2A Rights

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has issued a position paper on 2nd Amendment rights.
The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.
His position:
  • Put violent criminals away, use a gun to commit a crime and it's bye-bye
  • Screen applicants for mental health issues during background checks
  • Eliminate gun and ammo magazine bans, they don't make any difference
  • Make carry permits legal in all 50 states, just like a driver's license
  • Allow military personnel to carry weapons on base and in recruitment centers
Sounds good to me.

September 18, 2015

How About A Nice Set Of Daddy Gloves?

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred. 
Tan me hide when I'm dead.
So they tanned his hide when he died, Clyde, 
And that's it hanging next to Mom and Dad's wedding portrait.

A tattoo artist has launched a new macabre service, removing inked skin from dead people and preserving them for their relatives.

According to Save My Ink, the process allows tattoo enthusiasts to bequeath an actual part of themselves 'just like a house, wedding ring or any other cherished possession'.

The skin is put through a chemical and enzymatic process to permanently alter the chemical structure of the tissue and stop it from decaying.

Story here.

Hang this next to your didgeridoo.

Magic Man

September 11, 2015

Run Baby Run

14 Years Ago

And we still haven't learned a thing.
Obama is rubbing our noses in Islamic shit as he prepares to invite another 100,000 possible terrorists to our shores.

September 10, 2015

The Corps Ain't What It Used To Be

According to the Marine Corps Times, Marine brass have ruled out arming recruiters following July's deadly shooting rampage in Tennessee by Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

The ISIS-inspired jihadist opened fire on several military recruiting officers stationed in a strip mall before attacking a military base a few minutes away.

Abdulazeez killed four Marines and a sailor before police and a Navy commander, who happened to be carrying a sidearm at the time, fired back and killed him.
Will the Corps arm their brave Marines in order that they protect themselves from attack?

Not exactly. As a matter of fact, not at all.
The Pentagon will instead "protect" recruiters from future ambushes by training them to "take cover or evacuate in the event of an attack." It also will provide them with "movable shields or desk partitions" that they can duck behind to dodge AK-47 rounds.
Might as well have them also carry tampons so they can stuff something in their bullet holes while hiding behind their partitions. Pink partitions, paint them pink. WTF....

If only Chesty Puller could come back from the dead....

Story here.


September 9, 2015

Cait and Bubba

Let me tell you all a story ’bout a trannie called Cait
An Olympic athlete who couldn’t stay straight
Cait was driving too fast while messing with his phone
He rear-ended some old lady and into traffic she was thrown.
Cait drivin’ an Escalade
Got her T-boned he did

Well the next thing you know ole Cait is facin’ time
‘Cause killing old ladies in California is a crime
Manslaughter is the charge that will put him into stir
And now he’ll regret that he changed into a her.
Bubba’s waitin’ for ya
Y’all bring KY
Ya hear?

Why I Would Vote For Trump

CS Lewis nailed it. I cannot improve upon it.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
An out and out thief is preferable to the oh-so-morally-superior left, particularly when so many democrats are also thieves.

The consequences of Trump's most heinous actions may be summarized thus; by commission or omission has he killed anyone?  Let's ask the same question of Hillary, Obama, et al.

Why We Have Idiots With A High School Education

September 5, 2015

A Little Bit More

Victory At Sea

I grew up watching "Victory At Sea" serials.

My dad joined that Navy in 1943 at the age of 17. He became a hard hat diver and served in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. I remember something he told me when I was about 12 years old;  he said, "Just before the torpedo hits, get up on your toes else the force of the explosion coming up from below the deck will break your ankles."

I think he had been drinking and remembered how it felt when his ship was sunk by a Japanese submarine.

September 3, 2015

Police Officers Killed In the Line Of Duty

I often go to this site, the Officer Down Memorial Page, and read about my fallen brothers. Last night was different, I downloaded ten years of Police Line Of Duty (LOD) deaths. I did this not from some macabre urge but from statistical curiosity - I have done law enforcement analysis for decades and wanted to see if this year's recent spike was part of a larger trend.

After compiling the LOD deaths for the period 2005 through 2014, I compared the total deaths per state with each state's estimated 2012 population and arrived at the following rankings of LOD deaths per 100,000 population for each state. Even though the number of deaths for these jurisdictions are listed, I did not include LOD figures for Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Railroad Police, Tribal Police, US Government or the Virgin Islands.

For the fifty states and the District of Columbia, there were 1,414 Police LOD deaths within a total population of 313,940,610 citizens, resulting in a national average of 0.45 Police LOD deaths per 100,000. These deaths of course are not all murders and not all LOD murders are committed with a firearm. LOD deaths include accidents, drownings, plane crashes, you name it.

The following states are the most deadly for police officers:
If Puerto Rico was a state it would rank as the third most dangerous with a LOD ratio of 0.91.

Funny thing - the state with the toughest gun control laws in the country had the most LOD deaths and is one of the 10 deadliest states for police officers. That's right New York, we're talking about you.

These states have the lowest LOD ratios: 

Another funny thing - the safest state for cops in the country, Vermont, is a shall issue state; no pistol license required. Vermont pistol laws:
Concealed Permit:
It is lawful to carry a firearm openly or concealed provided the firearm is not carried with the intent or avowed purpose of injuring a fellow
man. There is no permit required to carry concealed.

1. Be of age. In the state of Vermont, that age is 16 or older. You must be at least 16 years of age to legally purchase a gun and keep it loaded on your person in public.
2. Obtain permission from a parent or guardian to carry a gun if you’re under the age of 16. Failure to do so may result in being deemed a delinquent child by the state.
3. Have a clean record if purchasing a firearm. Things like felony convictions and dishonorable military discharge will show up during the federal instant check, and prohibit purchase.
For those interested, the following chart covers all states in alphabetical order with their ranking. The lowest numbers still indicate the highest level of Police LOD deaths.

So far this year, 83 officers have died LOD and 24 of them were by gunfire

The highest number of Police LOD deaths was in 1974; 280 officers were killed that year, half (140) were indeed killed by gunfire. . I joined my department that year. NYS did not start issuing body armor for cops until 1980. You best believe I bought my own Second Chance ballistic vest as soon as I got out of the academy.

Mustang Sally

September 1, 2015

You Wouldn't Think That #BlackLivesMatter

Looking at the 2013 murder victimization rates extrapolated from the FBI UCR Expanded Homicide Data Table 6:
  1.  The murder rate for blacks is five times greater than that for whites. For whites is 1.2 per 100,000 while that of blacks is 6.0. 
  2. The rate for black on white homicides (13.6% of whites murdered in 2013 were killed by blacks) is almost double that of white on black (7.6%). This is for only those murders where the race of the offender is known to the police.
As blacks comprise only 13% of the US population (roughly 41.2 million), these numbers are truly astounding. It gets worse as you drill down into the criminal activity of black youths.
A 2012 study by the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the “Uniform Crime Reports.” They determined, “In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.” By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

Story here, the 2012 DoJ study here.

It's Raining ... Men