
June 27, 2009

Now Playing Everywhere


Opus #6 said...

I must have missed the trailer on this one. So I'm not sure how the plot runs. I can only hope that the action happens to THEM, and not to US.

Anonymous said...

At first I though it happens to us, but after looking at the expressions on their faces, it probably happens to them. I can't wait for that day (and neither, obviously, can Barney).

Rocket Laser said...

Barney is my favorite with his funny walk and his funny talk. Henry Waxman was awful. I hated him. I'm happy they replaced him. He was never that funny and he creeped me out.

Anonymous said...

Nancy's my favorite. She can get hit right in the moosh with a pie and never even blink.

Come to think of it, I've NEVER seen her blink.

Thanks for visiting, Rock!

Lynnae said...

That's awesome. And just like the real three stooges they are occasionally traded out for a new guy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome?? Some would say "zany". Others would say "wacky".

Me, I'd say mean-spirited and evil. I'd liken them to the spawn of Satan, but then I've never been a big film fan.

LL said...

Barney looks satisfied in the photo - as if the movie was good for him. It would be more telling if he was smoking a Marlboro... but we'll run it as it is.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to you LL, to see the foulest side of any issue.

Well done!

Opus #6 said...

Nickie, you know I love your sense of humor. Especially the Farrah post. Brilliant.

So I ask for your indulgence in advance. I must defend LL, a long-time friend of mine. It is unfair to say that he sees the foulest side of any issue. His comment on this post was in the same spirit as the other commenters.

And I apologize if I am the cause of any problems here.

Anonymous said...

Opie, you wound me. You missed the "Well done". My statement to LL was probably the highest praise I can offer a commenter.

There seems to be an endless supply of folks who offer: "Mr. Goomba, you aren't very nice. How dare you!!?" or "Dear Scum, please die painfully!!"

Those comments are usually from New Agers or old Peace 'n Love Hippies. LL represents what I like to call "Real Men". He and his ilk are encouraged to make this blog their second home.

You, Opie, are always welcome here. I am impressed by your loyalty to a man who has obviously struggled to overcome diminutive stature by honing his cynical side.

I say "Well done" to you both. Huzzah!

Deli Town said...

Who is this LL? He writes OK but is he one of us? His avatar looks kind of like an albino Tom Hanks. Could it be?

Anonymous said...

Easy. LL and I share countless memories, many of which he'd prefer I never share.

I consider him family.

Dust'n Lint said...

Opie ... You know congress is always exempt from the laws they pass.

Nickie ... Do I at least get Vaseline?

LL said...

Who is this LL? He writes OK but is he one of us? His avatar looks kind of like an albino Tom Hanks. Could it be?

Albinos usually have foul dispositions.

I am a man of infinite love, patience, etc. but I draw the line at allowing the government (or anyone else) to enter the exit-only portion of my anatomy. Barney Frank can't make that claim - in fact, he doesn't recognize that an "exit only" portion of the anatomy exists. Which is precisely why he doesn't feel any remorse at sticking it to the citizens of the US.

Harry Reid is a thief.

Nancy Pelosi's electroshock therapy didn't work. She's still delusional.

Slow Joe Biden simply needs to be put out to pasture. It's cruel to parade altzheimer sufferers in front of the cameras day after day to demonstrate the ravages of the disease.

Barry Soetoro/Barrack Hussein Obama: Muslim/Radical Christian, Chicago machine politician, racist, tool for other interests. Acorn employee.

If I was a mean albino, I'd have been far more graphic in my descriptions.

Amusing Bunni said...

Nickie! You have the greatest pictures! They are all so funny, and your narratives as well.

I feel kind of sick now, seeing all my forest friends from disney with the obamanation. Being a cuddly little forest animal myself, I can tell you, we would never pal around with him. Maybe we'd lure him into the forest, and push him into a giant hole in the ground with hungry bears and leave him there forever.

Anonymous said...

Dang, Nick ... You reeenter the cyber world and you've got millions of fawning fans again and already. It will get old. It always did for me.

I think that LL is really Rhod, or a relative.

Barking Spider said...

Hi there, Nickie - Nancy looks like something large and solid has just been swiftly inserted in the "exit only" department without the benefit of the aforementioned vaseline!

James said...

Funny and very scary,

Anonymous said...

You flatter me, DC. LL's very familiar, but not enough to doppel a ganger.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering...maybe Obama is actually a Toon, and we can soak him in Dip and run over him with a steam roller.

Anonymous said...

James, you have eerily identified the names of my attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Dusty, I'd suggest vasoline over the more popular Vicks VapoRub.

Anonymous said...

"Nancy looks like something large and solid has just been swiftly inserted in the "exit only" department without the benefit of the aforementioned vaseline!"

Spidie, you can bet it wasn't large and solid patriotism.