I was hoping to find a post to lighten my mood, and yours. I wanted to find a lighthearted or inspirational or informative site to share with all of us who are now under the gaze of Obama and his thought-enforcement militia.
What I came across was a website that I thought would be fun to mock. As I looked through it, I was almost saddened to tears. I realized that so many had failed to grasp even the most basic of the political issues. Tell me if you agree.

Yup, Bill... and they are still allowed to vote. Can you even imagine the thought process they used to make their choices?
as soon as your cat ages and starts to eat more kibble, Obama will every five years give you a counseling session and advise you to trade in the cat for a newer model in the "ClunkerCats for Ca$H" program. The kitty will be sad he drank the Kool-Aid.
That is downright scary.
Those cat owners must be the people Bill Maher was talking about...
These are the people I used to work with. They tivo their soap operas to watch when they get home. They don't date much.
Hop Sing say: Good cat in pot worth two in bush.
In defense of the cats, their eyes look less vacant than the Obamabots I´ve seen.
I'm thinking the ASPCA should be sicked (heh)on these folks...maybe even PETA.
Hop Sing, lol!
Hey, wait a minute. I just got the most absurd captcha yet. terdbile
Terdbile? That was Chris Dodd's mother's nickname for him.
"Mingsot" is my current one. A Chinese dipsomaniac.
Mike, you are correct. The cats, at least, seem to have a sense of irony.
I agree. There's something fishy here.
Rhod, I prefer Kinky.
Opie, please. No picking favorites!
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