This is happening here in my home town. We are a hotbed of old hippies and white-flight poets fleeing from the chaos of Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco. They are sure they can "fix" the corrupt Capitalist leanings of our community.
A group of peace-loving grandmothers will soon go before the Nevada City Planning Commission with plans to erect a “peace pole” in town.“We're trying to find all kinds of different ways to bring peace in the people's consciousness,” said Shirley McDonald, a member of Grandmothers for Peace International, an Elk Grove-based organization founded in 1982.
The idea for such an obelisk was supported by the Nevada City Council, which directed Grandmothers for Peace to bring the issue up with the commission.
The pole, with messages of peace planned in English, Spanish, Chinese and Maidu, would bear resemblance to a similar pole near the United Methodist Church in Grass Valley, raised last year.
The women are also raising money for the proposed new pole in Nevada City and have begun promoting peace messages on the back of Gold Country Stage buses. (More...)
Yeah, what Opus said. And is there a teenager anywhere on the planet who isn't going to post youtubes of himself putting a couple cantaloupes at the base of it?
Then when an illegal alien in the midst of a gin binge knocks the monument over with his '87 Buick Regal, I'll try not to make a mess of my linens as I LMAO.
nice idea, but lets face it.. if the O gets his way, they will be off the the hospice shoot instead.
Opie... Naughty!!
Immo, these grannies consider any erection a violation of their space, sexual harrassment, and a by-product of global warming (if not a cause).
Hey, Shaken-not-stirred...
You're right. Get the mass graves prepared for the baby boomers.
Erection of the pole will be accompanied by the strains of an antique organ.
Hey, blame Opie...
Do these people ever think of thanking America for the easy selfish lives they get to live?
Can't we give a war pole a chance first?
C'mom, Red... knock it off!!
Rhod, a turgid argument to be sure, but way out of line!
Wetz... they live a life wherein they make enough money to spend double for their groceries at the Health Food Co-op and Hemp Emporium.
Reality is not in their hemisphere.
I know where they can put the pole.
Someday the Chinese will invade, see that pole, and feel terrible about what they've done.
It's official, Nick ... You have corrupted Opie. Good work.
Of course, if Hop Sing made the same comment, he would only be talking politics.
Turgid? Yes, Rhod does occasionally sound like Gen. Turgidson, does he not?
Colonel Buck Turigidson was my first role model, DC. I won't repeat his principle concerns, but stuff in the drinking water was one of them.
Now, hold on there, Rhod. You are mixing military heroes.
Gen. Jack ("precious bodily fluids") Ripper was the first architect of the doctrine of preemption.
Gen. Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) is the general with the big ideas and blustery speeches re: mine-shaft gaps and "catching the Russkies with their pants down" and such.
And Nickie is really Strangelove ... "Mein Fuhrer!! I can walk!!". That makes me laugh every time I think about it.
Hey, are you guys talking about that cool Chill Wills movie? I remember my grandmother telling me about it.
You're right, DC. I got the rank and obsessions wrong...but I was so very, very young then.
Nickie lies. I took him along in 1961 to the big screen version in White Plains after he got that reform school probation for the hubcap offenses.
It's a great flick. Rhod ... back when libs were funny.
Glad they let you and Nick in when you were kids. Surprising, but hey ...
Anything with Sellers in it, I am there.
DC, you speak of my corruption as a completed event. And anyway, it was Red who brought up the topic of impotence. Not me.
Opie's really dancing now. Exhibit A in this sordid little affair is Comment #1. Case closed!
DC, another funny one is "The Russians Are Coming".
If you can get past the sappy moral waffling and the portrayal of New Englanders as riotous clowns...well, maybe I can't.
I used to think it was funny. It isn't.
Rhod, please put a stop to the sexual references. Enough is enough.
I can see that I must explain. I was referring to Webster's secondary and tertiary definitions of the word. Not the primary. If you-all are bears-of-unclean-brain, that's not under my control.
But I do apologize for pointing the finger at Red. I'm sure that she, as well, meant nothing untoward by her comment.
Rhod, I believe that takes care of the comment #1 evidence you referred to. :-D
And, since Nickie has forbidden any rebuttal by you, the case is indeed closed! :-P
Well I never!
..and that word "tertiary" sounds pretty dirty to me!
Opie, arguing with us troglodytes is as futile as debating the merits of hard work with a recalcitrant teenager.
If you explain yourself around here, it gets worse. Just continue pressing the attack and ignore the enemy. We all have caused collateral damage when making a grand point. And ... talk of rules around here is used as a ruse only.
"Well I never!"--Rhod
You know this statement always demands the answer.
"Well maybe you should." ;-)
DC, Not a problem. I simply have a different debating style. I almost typed "debasing" style, lol.
Sorry, just not a great live version out there.
DC can tell us about the culminating point, which is the point at which the inherent limitations, shortcomings, weaknesses of a military operation reveal themselves. In brief, it's as far as you can go.
The culminating point of dealing with me, DC and Goomba is in the first attempt to deal with me, DC and Goomba. Especially Goomba...
In my protected position here behind my computer screen, I think I'm doing OK. I can't imagine any group I'd rather spar with.
It's kinda like kicking sand at Huey, Dewey & Louie.
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