
November 21, 2009



The Malcontent said...

What is so ironic is the history of other Americans that have been fighting against the Communist ideology within our own government for a long time, yet we continue to allow Communist, now called Liberals, to destroy the huge segments of our economic progress. they control local urban governments and look at the complete economic disaster urban areas living conditions represent. Consider their control over education, and its impact on K through 12 student performance. Look at the disaster that the US Congress is about to foist on us. They have been running a poncy scheme called Social Security for years and it is insolvent. They control medicare and it is insolvent, They control our budget and we are now insolvent. When are you guys going to finally say enough is enough and outlaw these criminals from our country. don’t you understand they are our enemies. They are not Americans. Why because they do not believe in the principles nor the laws of our Constitution which restrict them imposing centralized control. What do you think government healthcare is? It is totalitarianism. It is like bank robbers are trying to gain control not only the money but how and when you can spend your own money. Socialism is tyranny. Barack Obama and his “czars” are fascist totalitarianism pretending to be Liberals. They are not. They are just stupid Communist. As for Jones, I say good riddance. If I had my way the entire Democrat Party would be arrested tomorrow. They don’t fool me. I would ship the lot of them to Cuba where they belong.

Rhod said...

This Old Guillotine - for instructional purposes only?

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

Malcontent. Well stated and I couldn't agree more! In the earliest days of our goverment, most likely 90% of those people in the 111th Congress would have been shot by now by some patriotic citizen. It's discouraging to know that anyone from within Congress who would be willing to speak out about the truth of what goes on there is either too intimidated or scared to do so. We're wobbling on the peak of the roof right now, could go either way. But once we go, there'll be no stopping our momentum. I sure do hope we topple the right way...

Fredd said...

I could be wrong, but it looked to me like that blade did not come down all the way, and that any, uh, 'user' would not be completely decapitated but would likely be hanging by some neck meat.

Anonymous said...

Malc... I'd prefer to ship them to Texas in chains.

Anonymous said...

HBWS... I agree. 90% would be given a lethal reality check.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, of course. For all the DIY types.

Anonymous said...

Fredd... Four days away from Thanksgiving and you're reminding me of neck meat. Mmmmmmmmm!!

Kid said...

Malcontent. It's all up to the military. How strongly do they take their oath and when is it exactly that they recognize current events.

Otherwise. Sacre Bleu Mon Ami. I prefer guillotine to lethal injection.

banned said...

No neckmeat, the client would be strapped onto the board behind the hole in the middle of the downdrop, with his head sticking through it and thus entirely decapitated.

Fredd said...

Ah, yes. I see how that works now. I hereby retract my neck meat comment.