
April 9, 2010

Here comes V.A.T.


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I live in California where I pay 8.25% in sales tax already. I also take raw materials and manufacture and sell as finished goods. That's where the V.A.T. tax will hit me. I can't wait to see what my friendly government has in store for me. I'm screwed big time. I think I'll retire AGAIN.

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

"Healthcare reform", immigration "reform", a V.A.T., Cap & Trade in the wings, auto and bank industry takeover, mortgage and student loan takeover, the "greening of American industry", irresponsible spending, spiralling deficits, uncontrolled debt, signing treaties that reduce our soveriegnty, creating the most divisive America since the civil war - what a lagacy. This maniac has got to be stopped. If we don't make significant changes in November, we are all cooked. God Bless Us All! Man, I could use a hug....

I love being Right said...

Surely this VAT tax will never come to be -- I mean he said he won't raise taxes on us right?

I knew it would be, but he has been one disappointment after another with his guy.

Opus #6 said...

This administration is a bunch of thieves in government clothing.

LL said...

Whatever is passed can be repealed. The problem with the barack hussein obama regime is that it's spending money with no revenue to back it up as such an astonishing rate that the next administration will have to deal with it and the general ignorant public won't understand the pain.

Krystal said...

What'll happen is that the libs will be voted out, the conservs will take over. Obama will veto and fight tooth and nail. Little will get done, then we'll end up with another liberal Congress in 2014.

Unless the conservatives start standing up and stop trying to play nice. That means we'll have to replace a good number of our moderates as well. McCain, and those like him, are a problem.