
January 28, 2010

The American people know how to stop all the hate!


Timeshare Jake said...

Sign me up! I just can't stand those stupid hater people.

Nothing suprises me anymore. The public school systems have gradauted people that can barely operate a microwave oven, so it's no wonder Dice can find people stupid enough to sign this. Even the girl who wanted to go home and research it should be put away--insane.

I am adding you to my blog roll tonight. I have always enjoyed your blog, and sorry it took me longer than it should have.

Teresa said...

Our public schools are keeping our kids stupid so they won't know their rights. All of those people are insane and clueless.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bill. You're like the grizzled old uncle I never had.

I wish I could say I got a chuckle out of this video, but it only depressed me.

The soft heads who are drawn to simple Marxist slogans amaze me.

By the way, Bill, would you like to sign my petition to punish mean people?

Anonymous said...

Teresa, you must see many of them on campus.

Toaster 802 said...

And you wonder how Obot one made it to the Whitehouse? Walk down a busy street and look around you.

Question answered.

The worst part of Hope and Change? Obama has left a template of how to win an election in a country where if it feels good it must be right. Appeal to the basest urges of the clueless for political victory.

It also proves that the abasement of the mind in public schools is working. Point, set, match.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Isn't that priceless ??? Where do I sign, where do I sign !!!

Anonymous said...

The Dems also proved that a President can be demonized and driven from office. Sadly, that's the other template they designed.

It's self-destructive and bad for the country, but it's the Left's legacy to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Right here, Odie... right next to the We Love Puppies and Kittens petition.

TKZ said...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am. I really thought Americans were smarter than to sign away their rights just because somebody talking about Bilderbergers and the NWO walks up to them with a petition and a pen.

Anonymous said...

TKZ... I believe it was Rhod who once said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people or making adult films."

Rhod said...

16 MM, Nick. 16 MM.

Liberalism, like the promotor of mass culture, locates, "a kind of human dead center in which everyone is identical to everyone else"...and "replaces All Men Are Equal with All Men Are Alike".

I stole this (and added "Liberalism") from "The Herd of Independent Minds" by Harold Rosenberg. It explains why a liberal would sign his own death warrant if it was demanded by someone he perceived to be another liberal.

Subvet said...

The most depressing thing is they're fully capable of reproducing.

sig94 said...

As things get worse, these morons will sell their soul for a bowl of soup much less forfeit a right that they are incapable of understanding.

Rhod, I am saving my body for 3D. My fans deserve nothing less.

(L) said...


That was really scary!

Did I actually hear him say The Bilderberg Group! I figured if that was spoken out loud someone would have jumped out of the bushes and popped a cap in his ass!

Lock & Load!!!

Sons & Daughters of Liberty Unite!!!

Snarky Basterd said...

BTW ... I had to link ya.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Rhod... and China will sell us the hemp rope.

Anonymous said...

Subvet, they do it con gusto.

Anonymous said...

Sig... which Amendment is the Right to Party?

Anonymous said...

(L)... Even just hearing the word caused me to change my behavior. I'm just returned from having a Bilderberger with fries and a medium Chai.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the generous link love, you Snarky Basterd.

Anonymous said...

I love his inflation video. This one is just as good. I think the ignorant make me more angry than the left. They are the real reason the left have any power.

(L) said...


I've always said, "Too Bad Ignorance Isn't Painful!"

Lock & Load!!!

VoteNovember2008 said...

Nickie, great video and very sad and depressing! I agree with Trestin, as long as you dumb down the American people and they know nothing of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, it will only get worse! Keep the faith, keep up the fight, our Nation is depending on it! VN8

T. F. Stern said...

L said, "Too Bad Ignorance Isn't Painful!",

Oh, but it is, for anyone not paying attention; just look at what Obama and Congress have done to us, is that pain enough?

WomanHonorThyself said...

OMG! this for real ? Yikes!:)

The Conservative Lady said...

It's pathetic...these people are Americans! Thanks for posting; it sure tells a sad story about some really stupid people. I am going to share this video over at my Facebook page with a link back to you.

sig94 said...

Nickie - the Right to Party is contained in the Eighth Amendment:

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

The 8th Amendment is responsible for over $800 million in property damage in Fort Lauderdale lone.

Anonymous said...

Tres... I agree. Liberalism thrives on ignorance.

Anonymous said...

(L)... O have a bumber sticker that says "IGNORANCE SHOULD HURT"

We're on the same page.

Anonymous said...

VN8... We have to win our victory one battle at a time. I'm glad you're with us in this effort.

Anonymous said...

TF... You're right. This ignorance is killing me.

Anonymous said...

Woman... Pinch yourself. It's true.

Anonymous said...

Lady... Thanks for the comment and the link.

Anonymous said...

Sig... I think I had it confused with the Right to Boogie.

Becca said...

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince." ~Unknown~ I took this from Dave White's facebook page. This video is disturbing. It's scary how uninformed and easily lead some people are.