
January 22, 2010

Sounds like a evening for jest...I present this for your reading pleasure


A great post on a serious subject. Please read the above article.

Then, come back and read my Comedic rewrite below. Think Demo-rat.

Parasitic infections have afflicted human kind from the dawn of pre-history and will continue to do so essentially as long as there are humans on this planet who form communities or Nations; due to the fact that Socialist parasites are highly develop forms of life that have become adapted to living off their host Nation since they cannot themselves provide their own sustenance and food. In some cases they utilize a particular host Nation, but in many cases the host Nation is just a non intentional bystander population in life cycle that needs to be completed in order for the propagation and survival of the particular Leftist parasitic species. Interestingly enough America, this great land of ours is probably one of the few places in our world that enjoys the lowest incidence of Leftist infections and furthermore a low count of truly harmful Socialist parasites to the host Nation. However, do not let that fool you, because although many of the North American Leftists do not cause death in the short term, they should not be underestimated for survivability. Look at Robert "Klan" Byrd (D).

In fact even an average run of the mill Democratic administration (if there is such a thing) can and will debilitate it’s host Nation and will use "Social justice" to render them immune-compromised by eating away the nutrients and leaving their own toxic concoctions like, ACORN, "Climate change", MSNBC, and The New York Times in the host.

In common Entitlement infections the host will be providing the nutritional diet, shelter, and in many cases the ideal environment for the "Victim population" to live and thrive; this costs the host Nation in terms of survivability. An Illegal Alien infection can certainly complicate the survival aspects of a countries human beings, thereby diminishing and or completely eliminating the survival possibility of the Nation within days, months or even years (in best scenario cases) of a Open Borders infection.

Today with our advanced Constitutional science and provisions contained within; getting a Democratic infection and surviving it is highly likely due to the advancements we have had and in the knowledge gained in the last 100 years or so of how Progressive parasites infect their hosts in a Election cyclic manner. Two, Four, Six, Twenty Years and once in a while a whole lifetime.

Socialist infections can and will weaken the individual, and the Entitlement parasites will live and use their host Nation as their own personal ticket to the “Good Life” in this case living rent free, with an all you can eat buffets in the best environment for growth and reproduction.

Democratic infections can be avoided by following basic steps. Vote with your head. Not with you crotch. If a politician is , like WOW, a rock star, Run, it's a trap.

Limited Constitutional government people. It is there for a reason.

(Haven't I seen this guy before?)


TS/WS said...
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Anonymous said...

Toast, thanks for the pic of my Brother, Barack Hussein Pincushion.

sig94 said...

Please remember to always be prepared to use your Constitutional condoms as prescribed by the 2nd Amendment.

Carry these condons where ever you go. Keep your condoms close at hand. Constitutional condoms come in small, medium and large calibers suitable for domestic and international use.

Most states allow you to carry concealed condoms so carry as many as you can. Remember, if condoms are outlawed, only outlaws will have condoms.

Rhod said...

What if they're not loaded?

sig94 said...

Don't carry one unless you intend to use it. They can't protect you if they remain, unpurchased, in the store or left unattended on your nightstand.

Anonymous said...

These government condoms are useless, and the GM logo repels the gals. Perhaps I should wait for the crosstown bus to deliver me home before putting it on.