
July 2, 2009

He's gone now, but this message is timeless!


LL said...

No man is an island. We either succeed together or we fail together. No matter how you view it, there is an element of karma to the whole thing - cause and effect.

We can decide to do the right thing (which is always tied to action) --or we can do nothing or the wrong thing, which is almost always the same thing.

hat tip to Goomba.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, my friend.

There will soon come a time when we are all going to be faced with the choice of standing up for a belief or buckling to the very real threats of Big Brother.

I hope I will have the courage of my forefathers.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I've noticed the number of followers you've attracted has doubled since I arrived. How many are big brother keeping an eye on you? After the guns, blogs like yours will be their next target.

Keep up the good work ... You are standing up !

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Woody. I just pray these are all friends.

Hogdayafternoon said...

Nickie G, I can't even spell F.C.I. so strike me off your list of suspects, but beware the friendly arm around the shoulder and the voice that says, `This is off the record, but aren't you......`

Anonymous said...

Hogday, beware the smiling faces with clipboards poised for action.

BTW, my favorite Spike Milligan quote:

“His vibrato sounded like he was driving a tractor over a ploughed field with weights tied to his scrotum.”