Truth is, there's nothing more American than revolting against heavy-handed authority, be it a long train of abuses from a king or the lawmaking of elected officials with strong authoritarian urges. This is a nation founded on independence, and there is a large portion of it that wants to retain that priceless heritage.

Public Debate: Democrats, bloodied over their attempt to force health care "reform" on Americans, are looking more unreasonable and hysterical by the day. This isn't healthy for the republic.
Their increasing anxiety and fear of failure are typified in the words of the leader of their party, who wants Republicans to keep their mouths shut while he "fixes" health care.
"I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking," the president said Thursday at a political rally in Virginia. "I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to come out in favor of repressing speech. But she's inclined to ignore it. The San Francisco Democrat vowed Thursday in Denver that the swelling public opposition to government-run health care would not persuade party leaders to back down.

We need to stay on this. I disagree with Pelosi. I don't think that she has a lock on the dem leadership as strongly as she thinks. She can surely keep her own mind unchanged despite the pleas of her constituents, if she wishes. But there are political realities that MAY turn the heads of her democRAT Komrades.
Or, if that does not happen, MANY heads will roll come November 2010. To such an extent that the legislation may possibly be reversed before it can take full root.
I think the dems are starting to see this writing on the wall. Hence the flailing about, literally.
One comment is not enough!
OK, I just saw this over on Clifton B's blog. He sees recent developments in a very optimistic light:
"When racist union brown shirts turn violent, what do you do? Get in their face and protest right outside their front door!. I wonder if Obama has realized it yet, but he may have just lost the health care battle. These people are not going away. Violence and slander against them will only make them angrier and more determine. It may very well be that Obama and the Democrats have made themselves the minority party for decades to come starting in 2010."
I've never seen anything like this. These are real people who have real concerns about their future. Totally unlike the rent a mobs that were unleashed on Bush. The Dem's inability to get those Mobs off their pool side lounges and onto the streets is making the them look a little clownish at this juncture, don't you think?
A friend of mine said once that Pelosi is simply crazy. I simply didn't believe him.
Come on we are in America Speak in Spanish!
This is from Pelosi's own website. (Yes, I washed my hands before coming back here...)
Personal Story
Pelosi hails from a strong family tradition of public service. Her father, Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr., served as Mayor of Baltimore for 12 years, after representing the city for five terms in Congress. Her brother, Thomas D'Alesandro III, also served as Mayor of Baltimore.
Pelosi graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. in 1962. Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, a native of San Francisco, have five children: Nancy Corinne, Christine, Jacqueline, Paul and Alexandra, and seven grandchildren.
Translation: She graduated from Trinity College in 1962 with a major she is embarrassed to mention. Her daddy was a politician and get her daughter into politics on the family plan.
She never held a job. She's no more qualified to make decisions for America than Britney Spears.
The scary part is that the libs that voted for this disaster don't see Anything wrong with what is going on. I talk to them every day during the week.
Guess what they say when you bring up enough truth to make them uncomfortable. Yep you guessed it! "Oh, Shut Up". They're Fascicts themselves..
We just have to change the whole system in order to give the illegals and welfare folks free medical ... or do they already have that ?
Don't back off one bit ... we all need to be heard by our elected officials.
Kid, they're the same as the townspeople who smelled something strange coming from the smokestacks at the barbed-wire camp up the road, but didn't want to know about it.
Rhod. Funny you mention that...
I have a question for the Obamabots, How is that hope and change working for you?
Interesting blog, Kid. I try to avoid Godwin's Law, but not this time - it clarifies things.
Ope, excellent. The ocean liner has begun to turn and it'll take a lot more than a subtle nudge or spin to halt the movement.
Dan, I'm afraid that phenomenon may end when the Democrat zombies go back to their campuses.
I support PEANUT.
Crazy with greed.
Crazy for power.
Crazy with all the wrath of a woman once scorned.
Yeah, Kid... and Palin is unqualified for high public office.
Woody, thanks for the call to arms. You are spot on, my son.
Fuzzy, they never stop hoping for change. Their world is so unfair.
the corruption is boundless ..great post.HAVE AN AWESOME WEEKEND HUN!:)
Thanks, woman. You too.
This one’s for you
Thanks for all the freedom, ladies and gentlemen.
Northwester, thanks for the link. That's a classy post.
Mark Steyn certainly understands what's going on.
Thanks for the help in this question, I too consider, that the easier, the better ?
I hope, it's OK
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