The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) computer models have proved just as wrong in predicting global temperatures as the Met Office has been in forecasting those mild winters and heatwave summers, says Christopher Booker of
The Telegraph.

Everyone has enjoyed the discomfiture of the Met Office, caught out over its April forecast that we were in for a "barbecue summer" – not least because this is the third year running that our weathermen have got their predictions for both summer and winter hopelessly wrong. In 2007 and 2008 they forecast that summers would be warmer and drier, and winters milder than average – just before temperatures plunged and the heavens opened, deluging us with abnormal rain or snow according to season.
"When Mr McIntyre made Freedom of Information requests to see the data used to construct the HadCrut record (as he has chronicled on his ClimateAudit blog) he was given an almighty brush-off, the Met Office saying that this information was strictly confidential and that to release it would damage Britain's "international relations" with all the countries that supplied it."

One cause of the blunders that have made the Met Office a laughing stock is less widely appreciated, however. It is that the multi-million pound computer it uses to assist its short-term forecasting for Britain is also one of the four main official sources of data used by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to predict global warming. In this respect the IPCC's computer models have proved just as wrong in predicting global temperatures as the Met Office has been in forecasting those mild winters and heatwave summers.
Weather records also seem to be a complete secret from the idiot weathermen on morning news.
I can see their problems in forecasting 6 months ahead but the BBC forecast can't even get it 24 hours ahead. Last week they were forecasting sun all the way Saturday and Sunday and they changed it on Friday night to light rain and eventually we had a deluge. You're better off looking to see if cows are lying down, how much frog spawn there is or the number of berries on f**king Rowan Trees!
How inconvenient for everybody when the data does not fit the theory. Time to start the Cover Up.
Dark L.,
I predict two things 1) The "science" of man-made global warming will continue to be doubted and will be viewed at some point in the future as using leeches to bleed away illness; and 2) there will be rain in Britain, probably soon.
So there.
As soon as I saw the words "United Nations" I knew the problem. This is the most screwed up organazations there is in the world. They need to disband this thing. They can't decide on anything to save anybody in time. Just look at what happened in Bosnia.
Oh, it's even better than that Nickie.
CI nailed it. The hive of parasitic buffoons at Turtle Bay should be sprayed with Flit, and sent back to their pissant countries on an air bus shot from a cannon.
It has been a very mild summer here in Flori-Duh.
I was thinking the swamp would dry up and the oceans would rise. It rained like hell this year.
I think this winter may be very cold.
@NG- I'm happy to have found your blogg but reading it gives me a mild depression ;)
Truth hurts! Igmnorance is a bliss! But that is how the nam from Kenya got into the WH....
It's an inconvenient truth, Mr. Gore.
PCC, it's also an inconvenient theory for the U.S. economy.
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