Steve "The Lightning Man" is a newish blogger based in South Carolina. You might enjoy a visit to his site. Be warned, he's a passionate dude!
And, while you're there, and his virtual back is turned, help yourself to one of the collection of posters he's displayed in this post. (Perhaps you'll be tempted to design your own)
One of them will surely enhance the spirit and decor of your blog. Well done, Steve.
Thanks for being yet another soldier in the battle for Liberty.
That poster is chilling ... what an image when juxtaposed to that handsome devil to the right.
Nicholas, I shall talk to you soon on the internets.
You are correct, my faithful Indian companion.
DC is an Indian? Maybe he can explain those temple carvings from the Moghul period.
Rohd, you kindly call them temple carvings.
DC's frustrated neighbors refer to them as "that weird sidewalk chalk art by that guy in the maroon Valiant".
Not that I want to belabor this outlandish prurience, but that maroon Valiant powerplant was a "Slant Six", and the Dodge version was called a "Swinger".
The subliminal working its magic on DC.
Hey Nickie!!! lOVE THE SITE!!! I'm now no longer a GNN virgin. lol
Steve's site is great as well. He says it like it is without mincing words. I like that in people.
Thanks, Pittsburgh girl,
I'm glad you stopped by!
I hate it when you talk that way, Matthews. And I never monger. Never.
Great new find, Nickie. Well done.
DC, you are looking mighty handsome there on the sidebar....
Rhod, when will you choose an avatar of your own? As it is my imagination runs wild.
Ope, the guy didn't come cheap. He gets 12% of the gross.
Cool. I'll check it out.
Opie, mine too. Rumors are that he's a rugged blend of Burt Lancaster and Orville Redenbacher.
Avatar, Ope? I didn't even know that Rhod played the Avatar or had spent any time in India. You learn something new on the internets ever now and then.
DC, I believe Opie was referring to Rhod's little nerve pills.
Thanks, LL. This guy is yet another disenchanted citizen seeking a voice in his own fate.
"Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, excites the sensitive soul to tears" - Poe
I don't want to make DC and Goomba cry again, Opie.
DC, I will decently avoid any jokes about Shankar(s).
Wasn't that UConn's FG kicker?
Hey man, jump on in. But don't drop that pay check. I dropped mine and it bounced back up so hard it gave me a black eye.
This is a funny place. I like it.
Mine looked like the crayon work of a chafed toddler, trying to express his rage at the Gods of Rash.
Right, Wetzy. But the sandalwood incense gets to you after a while. Goomba has a lifetime supply from Spencer Gifts.
Holy cats! I'm famous now! Thanks for the traffic and the kind words, everybody.
I spend as much time on my graphics on my page as I do on the actual posts themselves. My day job doesn't allow me to write as often as I'd like, but I try to get 2 or 3 quality jabs in a week.
ow, if I could just get paid to do this, I could sit around in my skivvies slurping coffee and being snarky al day. THAT is my American Dream...*sigh*
Hi Nickie & Everyone!
Steve's blog is great, and he always has wonderful pictures! He is also helpful and considerate, (ooppps, I've blown your cover Steve....hee hee)
He knows I like squirrels, and sent me some cute squirrel pics that I will have to put up on my blog to keep the others company!
Thanks for the links, too, guys!
That picture IS awesome. Anonymous totally slaughters the Rush quote. (but of course)
Rush wants to COVNERT all but two one each campus, not 'kill'. Sheesh.
'Anonymous does look like a good candidate for one of the two though.
I mean 'convert'
Well, my typo totally makes my comment look dorky.
OK, I am a little dorky, what can I say.
Janie, I went and bought one of those dorky keyboards too.
Steve, glad we could help. Keep up the good work.
Bunni, every time one of those squirrely lib commenters begin ranting here, I think of you.
No offense, of course.
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